FF (2)

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When the twins hopped down from the bus, they didn't expect to find the area infested with people. They may have arrived in town on a big day or something. What was even more surprising was the fact that there were many other busses filled with families that came seemingly for vacation. Bill took a deep breath of air, smiling as he exhaled. "This looks perfect already." he turned to Will. "How are you feeling?"

Will smiled. "I'm feeling fine."

"Good." Bill put his hands on his waist. "Because officially, we're having a fresh start! I'm excited. Are you excited?"

"Kinda. . . Mostly anxious." Will rubbed the back of his head.

Bill raised an eyebrow. "Anxious? Why?"

"It's just. . . You know, everything is new. And as much as I'd love to be as positive as you are, I'm kinda wondering if-"

"Don't." Bill demanded raising a hand to stop his sentence. "Do not say it."

Will tilted his head in confusion. "What?"

"I know what you're gonna say. Don't say."

"I'm sorry. I just think-"

"No." Bill interrupted, and continued whenever his brother tried to speak up about it: "Nope. No. Nuh uh. Hm hm. No."

Will sighed. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry."

Bill pulled Will closer. "C'mon, bro. Lighten up your mood! It's all new, but it's gonna be fun! It's gonna be better. I promise."

"How many promises will you make?" Will asked.

"As much as I need to, if they make you happy." Bill folded his arms as he spoke.

The smile on Will's face returned. "I appreciate it, Bill." he said. "But, don't make promises just for me. Make them for yourself too."

Bill scoffed. "Of course I'm making them for me too. I also want to be happy!"

Will chuckled. "Good."

"Hey, not to mend in, but," the bus driver, a gopher-like man with a sloped forehead, spoke with concern. "Who's picking you up?"

Will's eyes went wide, gulping silently. "Our, um. . ."

"Our Aunt!" Bill said. "She should be here soon." he said, keeping a grin on his face. His biggest specialty: hiding his true emotions behind a smile and a facade of confidence.

"You kids gonna be okay until she arrives?" he asked. "I'd stay with you, but I have a strict schedule."

Will almost let out a relieved sigh, but avoided it to not accidentally make the driver suspicious of them. "We are gonna be fine, sir. Thanks for your concern."

"Really, we're definitely fine!" Bill looked away, eyes widening with his smile. "Oh, hey! There she is!" he raised his arm. "Hey, Aunt! Right on time!"

Will shot him a confused look, then turned to view whoever he was looking at: a woman wearing a white dress with an orange vest over it, a black hat over her head with a question mark button on it. She smiled confusedly at them, before deciding to walk forward to the twins. Will felt the panic rise on his veins, and Bill almost let his facade break with panic. Sweats drew from the twins' forehead.

"Mayoress! I didn't know you had nephews?"


Oh darn it.

She stopped her tracks, looking at the twins for a moment. She turned to the driver and smiled. "Well, it's been a while since I've seen them, Soos." she lowered her hand to her waist. "They were this small last we met!" she chuckled.

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