SBW (11)

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Pacifica watched horrified as Will — who was held in someone's arms — slowly landed. The flames around his body were slowly disappearing, the tears on his face made her heart feel tight. Her concern made her snap back to reality and stand up, but she froze again when she heard Will's words.

He was calling for help.

Not any help.

Her help.

She was about to rush forward, but was forced to stand still by a blue glow similar to her purple one. Her eyes widened, she looked up at the man that had Will in his arms. "Gideon!"

Bill ran towards the man and his brother, the man threw Will to Bill before he could reach them, Bill caught his brother in his arms and looked at the two. He had seen that man before, at the forest, before he met Robbie, before Naga almost killed his brother. For a second, he swore that man was someone else — someone that wore a cape, a teenager that wore black and blue instead of gold, white and red. Their faces were alike, but this man was more mature and older — after all, that was an adult, the other one was a kid.

He turned behind to see Pacifica, watching as her mascara started to run with tears of. . . something. Pure madness, Bill assumed. He looked back at Gideon, then at his brother. A serious look appeared on his face, he adjusted his brother in his arms and ran. Pacifica screamed at him, trying to free herself from the blue glow.

"No! Don't let him go! He's going to destroy us all!" Pacifica shouted as Gideon brought her to his side. "Bill Cipher, you're a demon straight from somewhere worse than Hell! I will stop you!" her voice reached Bill's ears, but he kept on running without looking back or caring for what she had to say. "Let him go, you monster!" her voice started to sound more painful, more sad. "Let him go. . . You evil brat,"

Once Gideon thought that Bill went far enough, the blue glow that trapped Pacifica disappeared, she fell on the snow with a thud, still crying. "Why did you stop me, Gideon?" she asked. "He's going to destroy all of us. . ." Gideon didn't say a word — instead, he turned around and put his hand on his chest, kneeling down. Pacifica gave him a confused look.

Her eyes went wide as she felt a soft touch on her shoulder. Pacifica turned back, immediately understanding why Gideon kneeled down, a grin was formed across her face — although the tears were still rolling down her cheeks.


Mabel had lowered herself to stand near Pacifica, her hand on Pacifica's shoulder as an act of comfort. Pacifica's smile grew as she jumped on Mabel to a hug — although not a hug person (especially from people outside her family), she hugged her back while keeping her neutral look. "Crescent Moon," she said. "There's no need to be sad."

"B—But," Pacifica let go of the hug. "Will is bound to that demon! You know well he is that demon! You were the one who—"

"I know, Pacifica, I know," she stood up. "But this isn't the end," Gideon stood up and then besides Mabel, without looking at Pacifica. Mabel held out her hand to Pacifica. "Stand up, Crescent Moon," Pacifica held Mabel's hand and stood up with her. Gideon returned Pacifica's staff to her and Pacifica hugged it tight.

"It has just begun."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bill put his brother down on his bed, he was still trying to properly breath after what just happened. He didn't even try to go to his bed, he just collapsed next to his unconscious brother, staring at the rooftop while thinking on all of the terrible moments of this confront with Pacifica. Well, he got what he wanted, he proved she was not a sweetheart, but still, he'd rather not have found out like that. Pacifica is surely insane, calling him a demon? Cursing his entire family? She was not wrong in saying they were bad people, but Will wasn't, besides, if she couldn't read his and Will's mind how did she know they were bad?

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