SBW (1)

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Will was on the cash register, counting the money he received from someone that bought a merchandise, soon he allowed the person to leave.

"Thank you for visiting!" Will said, smiling.

Soon, a bunch of tourists left the museum and Bill walked towards his brother, sitting down on the chair next to the desk Will was in.

"Did something happen?" Will asked.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." Bill said.

"Tired of what?" Will asked, getting a glare from Bill. "I'm kidding, Bill. No need to feel offended."

His chuckle made Bill smile a bit. "I'll forgive you this time, just because you're cute."

Those words made Will feel a bit offended. "I'm not cute!" he shouted.

"Yes you are." Bill said.

"I'm not cute. I'm good looking, just that." Will affirmed.

"Wow, confident aren't you?" Bill asked.

"Maybe a bit." Will said, letting out a small laugh.

A while passed on the Mystery Museum, soon the twins's shift was over and both could take a break and relax.

"Hey Bill, need a laugh?" Will asked.

"Hm, maybe." Bill answered. "Why?"

Will showed Bill a comic strip from a local newspaper, after Bill read it he laughed a bit.

"Hah! Nice one!" Bill said.

"Glad I bring the newspaper with me." Will said, smiling a bit.

"Oh please, like you read them." Bill accused. "You just take them because they have drawings and strips on them."

Will felt embarrassment take over, he looked at the side, trying to hide himself. "T—That's not true!" he stated.

"C'mon, don't lie to your big bro!" Bill said, in a teasing tone, messing with his hair.

"Stop it!" Will shouted at him, pushing him.

Bill laughed as his brother crossed his arms in embarrassment and anger. "C'mon, Will, I'm just messing with you." Bill said.

"I know." Will mumbled.

"Hey, why don't we try to find that Robbie guy?" Bill suggested.

"Is that a good idea?" Will asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Bill asked.

"He's a guardian, he's probably a busy man." Will said. "Also, he's scary. . ."

A laugh came from Bill's mouth, who put his arm around his brother's shoulders. "C'mon, we have a journal with the powers of gods, we gotta be prepared for worse!" Bill stated.

Will gulped. "I don't want to face something worse. . ." he said, trembling a bit.

"Don't worry, I got your back." Bill said.

"Like you did when we met that Naga snake thing?" Will asked.

His words made Bill shut his mouth for a while, knowing Will had a point. If it wasn't for Robbie's arrival Will would've probably been dead, even if it wasn't due to the snake but due to his fall.

"This time it'll be different!" Bill stated. "We have magic now, I will be able of helping you."

"You're right. . ." Will mumbled.

The two kept silent for a while, soon Bill walked to the door and leaned on it, waiting for Will. "C'mon, little bro, maybe that spirit guy can give us something fun to do on our break!" Bill said.

"I thought we were actually taking a break?" Will asked, his brother looked at him like it was some joke, so he just sighed. "Nevermind, let's go."

The two left the museum and went into the woods, looking for Robbie like two kids lost in the woods searching for their parents.

"Bill I think we should go back." Will said.

"Why?" Bill asked.

"It's just—" Will paused, hearing something crack.

He jumped closer to his brother, hugging Bill and looking at the direction of the sound, seeing a broken branch on the ground and a small rabbit. Bill held his laughter for a while, but couldn't help himself and ended up laughing at his brother's fear, who looked down, embarrassed.

"You're such a scaredy cat, Will!" Bill affirmed.

"N—No I'm not!" Will exclaimed, not looking at his brother and still embarrassed. "I just don't trust this forest."

"The snake is dead, Robbie killed it." Bill stated. "There's nothing else to come at us."

"That you know!" Will stated.

"And what could scare us?" Bill asked.

"Me." Robbie said.

He was in the same form from when he met Will and Bill at first, filled with fur, sharp teeth, scars and claws. Will let out a small scream and fell on the ground, sitting down while retreating, while Bill retreated a bit, Robbie turned back to his human form and let out a small laugh. "Sorry kids, just teasing you."

Will had his heart on his throat, he fell completely, not moving after that. "Will?" Bill called.

"Did I go too far?" Robbie asked.

"Nah, that's just my frightened twin brother." Bill said. "So, what's up? Anything new?"

"Nah, the forest has been quiet since Naga's death." Robbie answered, sitting down on a fallen tree log.

"Meh, how boring." Bill said.

"You wanted adventure, didn't you?" Robbie asked.

"You know I do, spirit man." Bill said.

"If you want some advice, here's one. The best adventures are never on the edges of the forest, they're always in the middle." Robbie said.

"Hah! Cool!" Bill exclaimed.

"Hmm." Will hummed, sitting down again.

"Little bro!" Bill said, going towards him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. . . is Robbie human?" Will asked.

"No I'm not." Robbie answered. "But I'm in my human form."

"Phew. . ." Will let out, standing up.

"Maybe you're right, Will, we shouldn't jump straight into any dangerous magical adventures." Bill said. "Perhaps we can see something magical but calm."

"Does that even exist?" Will asked.

"Actually, yes it does." Robbie said.

"Where?" Bill and Will asked at the same time.

"The Tent of Telepathy, today is the reopening night." Robbie said.

"Tent of Telepathy?" Will asked.

"Yeah." Robbie said. "It's a psychic show. It ended up closing a year ago when the girl who did it left, but now she's back." Robbie said.

"A psychic?" Bill asked. "Sounds fun."

"Sounds creepy." Will stated. "Imagine someone going through your mind and seeing your thoughts, your emotions, your memories. . . I don't like this kind of thing."

"Psychics always choose the ones in the front or middle, let's just stay on the back of the show!" Bill said.

"That sounds nice." Will said.

"Thanks for telling us about the Tent, spirit! See ya!" Bill said.

"Bye Robbie." Will said, waving at him.

Robbie waved back once and the two left, Bill rushed out while Will tried to catch up with his brother.

"Should I tell them that the psychic is actually a guardian?" Robbie asked himself out loud, soon a smile appeared on his face. "Nah, they'll be fine."

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