SBW (7)

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An ugly sound came from a glass ball as Pacifica's long nails scratched if, but she somehow ignored it. "Pulling innocent people into your schemes, how typical." she mumbled in annoyance, glaring at the figure of Bill in the glass ball. What a horrible boy. How could someone as adorable as Will be related to that demon?

Pacifica sat back with a sigh, the image in the crystal ball dissolved into mist. It has been a few days since she and Will started hanging out together, Will had grown on her since then. Will was like a shy scared bunny, an adorable endearing thing. He slowly opened up to her and showed his true interest for fashion, if in a rather. . . male way. Pacifica always watched him go home on her crystal ball, to make sure he wasn't doing anything suspicious after hanging out with her; or at least that's what she told herself. But deep inside, she liked watching him. That teenager had a small childish spirit inside of him, but his timidness hid it from whoever watched, but on the streets alone he showed how silly he could be. When crossing the pedestrian crossing, he would step only on the white ones, being careful to not step on the black paint of the street, he jumped on them like a child pretending that there were holes on the street if he stepped on the wrong one, actually giggling. Both sides of him, shy or not, were enough to get a smile on Pacifica's face.

She still couldn't read his mind, which was frustrating, but now she doubted that he was a demon, he couldn't be one. If anything, Will was an angel. But her investigation would continue, who knows what his so called brother could be up to with him? Hopefully her crystal ball would help, though it hadn't given her any answers yet. "You had better be worth it," she said to the crystal ball. "I ruined a pair of shoes and almost lost my staff for you."

The crystal ball didn't respond. Inside the glass, the smoke swirled. Pacifica watched the mesmerising tendrils, her eyes and expression turning cold as she remembered how she obtained the item.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Agh! This stupid — mud — is ruining my shoes!" Pacifica pulled her foot up with a frustrated growl and attempted to find a sturdy place to step.

Her foot sank into more mud.

Pacifica let out a long and frustrated yell. Why wasn't her wheel projection working on this area? Was Robbie blocking her magic? Maybe her staff was at faulty. Her magic could be slipping away, and no, it had nothing to do with the Ciphers, she knew why she couldn't read them, it was thanks to Bill, but her wheel projection refusing to form to save her from the trouble of walking through all of this mud? That wasn't normal.

It's either Robbie's doing, or Bill was up to something with or without Will's knowledge.

Pacifica took another arduous step.

"Well, this is an unexpected sight. Pacifica Pleasure, trudging through the mud."

Pacifica stopped, sinking a bit deeper. Small relief hit her, but at the same time, she would've rather that he wasn't there.

Her eyes followed the sound of the voice, a soft smile on her face. "Well, well, well, I didn't expect to see your majesty himself to come from all high to pay — me — a surprise visit." she giggled. "Greetings, Gideon Northwest."

Gideon was sitting on a rock with his legs cross, his own staff being held by his right arm on his left cheek, looking smugly down on her. It didn't help that his rock was just above the cave entrance she was trying to reach. "Looking for something, Pleasure?"

"No," Pacifica replied, her voice was filled with sarcasm. "No, I just wanted to ruin a pair of shoes in this horrible mud."

Gideon ignored her scathing tone. "You have nothing with you, how do you want to take something from my casino?"

"Oh, please," she looked up to him. "Won't you give a hand to a friend?"

"I'm not a cheater at my own game, human." Gideon stated, caressing the gem of his blue staff. "If you want something, you bet for it."

Pacifica rolled her eyes. "I'm not going all of the way back just to get something to either lose or win in your bets and auctions."

"You already came for nothing." Gideon jumped down from his rock. A flash of greenish-blue swirled around him, his staff slowed his fall. "So either you find a price," he regained his footing on another ledge of the stone, "or turn back."

"Wait!" Pacifica exclaimed. "Why is your staff working out here, Demigod? I'd be using my wheel projection if I could!"

"Because you're trying to get to my casino." Gideon replied. "My cave, my portal, my rules, and I don't want any magic problematic creatures suddenly wandering in one of my places." he made her float towards him, she was now face to face with him, she looking up and he looking down. He adjusted his red palla. "Why are you back here, anyway?"

That cave was a portal to one of many of Gideon's property, the Golden Cassio, a casino filled with magical artefacts, all entrusted to Gideon to do whatever he pleased with them. If they were no use, he'd put them to sell, if there was anything useful for him, then it would be at his temple.

"Aren't you happy to see me back?" Pacifica asked him. "Portland was a bore. I missed your teaching and scolding, even if it was annoying sometimes."

He rolled his eyes. "I meant the cave, not the town. Why are you coming back to my casino?"

"I need something, it's for an important mission. I don't think the forest is a place to talk about this, since — someone — is always watching here." Pacifica explained.

"Something such as?" Gideon asked.

"Something that can communicate with the higher ups, and keep an eye on town." she answered.

Gideon looked at the side, thinking a bit. He shrugged. "Welp, I got an extra crystal ball, but I already have three for myself." he crossed his arms. "I'll be nice to you and let you take it."

Pacifica smiled. "Really? Oh, thank you, that means a lot."

"With one small condition." Gideon said, getting a sigh from Pacifica.

Of course he wouldn't do it for free.

"What condition?" Pacifica asked.

Gideon raised a finger. "One bet." he smiled. "You and me."

She was reluctant, but did she have a choice? She knew the answer. "Okay, what happens if I lose?"

He lowered his arms, using his staff to point to hers. "I'll take that."

Pacifica had her eyes wide, shocked and small panic filled her. He wanted her staff? What kind of sick game was he trying to play? He knew how much that staff mattered to her, besides being her biggest source of magic! She was the Dame of Witchcraft!

Remembering how important her mission was, she thought of three possibilities, accepting the deal and trying to win, accepting it and during it explain and maybe convince him that it was serious matter, or back away.

The last one wasn't an option.

"Okay. . . I accept."

The two shook hands, greenish-blue and purple swirled their arms a second or two after.

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