SBW (5)

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"So, Will, you're staying at the Mystery Museum, right?" she asked once he was inside. "How is it like?"

"It's. . . Normal, I guess." Will said. "We clean, move boxes, help tourists around, things like that."

Pacifica nodded, pensively. "What brought you and your brother into town? And what got you interested in my show?"

Will looked away. "We heard from Robbie about the show. . . Thought it might be fun to watch, you know?" he said. "My brother thinks you're fake, and am. . . I kinda do too."

". . .Fake?" Pacifica asked. Will nodded. She looked down to his face, a serious expression. "What makes you think that?"

"You got one thing wrong on the stage about me. . ." Will said.

"But you said yes to everything I asked if you did?" Pacifica said, confused.

"I didn't want to ruin your reputation. . . I mean, the town loves you, and I don't want to be the reason someone gets made fun of." Will said. "I. . . Know what it's like, so I decided to not say anything." he added. "I'm still a bit surprised you got my brother's name right."

Pacifica bristled; She took her staff and held it tight. Nothing made sense to her. Why would he think it was an act? He and Bill are related, she knows that. But mostly, why would Bill think she's a fake? Perhaps he was lying, he wanted to mess with her. Pacifica cleansed her fist on the staff she held, her eyes started to glow purple.

"Gah!" Will let out, his feet lifting off the ground. He floated higher and higher until he was just a bit on top of Pacifica. He was unable to move his body, he looked at Pacifica with a terrified expression.

As soon as Pacifica realised what she was doing, Will stopped floating and fell on Pacifica, with her holding him in her arms. She helped him down and smoothed her dress. He looked at her still shocked and a bit frightened.

"Y—You are—"

"A real psychic? Yes," Pacifica said. "Maybe, much more than that."

"M—More than that?" Will took two steps back. "Are you a. . . g—g—guardian?"

Pacifica didn't take her eyes off of him. His reaction was a surprise to her. She didn't expect him to be that freaked out. That confirmed one thing to her: He wasn't a demon, he was just a poor soul that ended up bound to that monster. But then, why were her instincts telling her something else?

Wake up, Pacifica. Will's still there.

With a soft smile and her hands together behind her back, Pacifica gave him an answer. "Yes, but also. . . no."

Will took a silent deep breath. "What do you mean?"

An idea came to Pacifica's mind. Perhaps she could trade information. She had learned how the dealing art with the three bests dealers in town. The demigod Gideon Northwest and the guardians of Balance, Dipper and Mabel Pines.

"If you want me to answer your questions, how about you answer mine as well, hm?" Pacifica asked. "And worry not, you're not going to float again."

Will was reluctant at first, he basically just met that girl, should he actually give her any kind of information about himself? He knew he wouldn't, but curiosity spoke louder, besides, he could learn something about the guardians.

". . .Okay." Will mumbled. "I accept it."

"Excellent." Pacifica shook his hand. A purple light made chains that surrounded both their hands. Will quickly pulled his hand away in shock and fear, Pacifica looked at him, curiously. "What's wrong?"

"Why chains. . .?" Will asked.

"Oh, it's a way of showing you have to pay your part." Pacifica explained. "It's like a contract."

"So I'm not. . . Trapped to you, right?" Will asked.

"Oh dear, I'd never trap someone to me like this." Pacifica said. "Unless. . ." she thought as her smile faded. "It's actually necessary."

"So, am. . ." Will looked down. "How old are you?"

"I turned sixteen before I returned from Portland." Pacifica said.

"You were in Portland?" Will asked, Pacifica nodded. "Sounds cool."

"What about you, my dear Will?" Pacifica asked. "How old are you?"

"Oh, um. . . I'm fifteen." Will said.

"One year younger than me. . ." Pacifica thought, glancing at the side. She turned back to Will.

"Miss Pleasure." a fairy said. Pacifica and Will looked at the fairy, the fairy immediately froze in shock. "I'm sorry! I should have waited for you to—"

"No no, it's alright." Pacifica said. "He knows."

"Woah. . ." Will kept his eyes on the fairy, amazed. "She's so pretty. . .!"

The fairy looked at the side, two other fairies appeared with her, they flew to Will and around him, two stood by his sides and the third one was in front of him.

"You're so pretty!" Will said.

"Thank you, young human!" the fairy said.

"He's kinda adorable!" the second fairy said.

Will looked embarrassed. "Ah. . . Thanks?"

"Can I play with your hair?" the third fairy asked.

"Let's play with makeup too!" the first fairy said.

"If he doesn't find it a problem, I'm okay with having a guest in my dressing room." Pacifica said.

"Wait. . . Really?" Will asked, a bit happy, but not showing much.

Pacifica nodded with a smile. "Of course, I see no problem."

She saw no problem, yet. He seemed to be just a scared boy with low knowledge on magic and the supernatural itself, although he knew it was real. If he tried anything, Pacifica had her staff, besides the magic she could do without it, she was safe.

"Um. . ." Will paused for a second or two. "Well, if you say it's not a problem then, alright."

The fairies celebrated excitedly, raising their arms, one of them hugged Will's face with a huge smile. Will hugged her back with a hand, careful to not harm her.

Pacifica looked at the clock nearby. "Luckily, there's plenty of time before my show." she said. "Come on, let's dress up."

Will smiled a bit. "Okay, let's go. . ."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A crystal ball showed the two together in Pacifica's mansion, the fairies accompanied Will and Pacifica out of that room. Blue eyes watched at every move from the two, a sigh escaped. Pacifica doesn't know.

A man snapped his fingers, the image in the crystal ball changed to Bill, who watched TV on the couch, discretely glancing over pages on his journal. That journal. . .

That was what the man was looking for.

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