SBW (3)

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Pacifica passed her gloved hand softly through her back gelled hair, breathing in and out softly.

It was time to shine.

She pulled her purple staff with golden markings closer to her, softly caressing the red gem in it. She beat the staff on the ground with not too much strength, a fog covered the entire stage, drawing everyone's attention to it as two spotlights pointed towards it. The smoke was gone and Pacifica was standing at the centre of the stage, a hand behind her back and the other holding her staff, eyes closed and head lowered, a suspense she always liked making to her audience.

This suspense hasn't worked quite well in Portland, the guardians from there were already magnificent enough, her tricks were considered cheap. But Infinite Gravity was different, they loved Pacifica, they trusted Pacifica, they adored her tricks, they were always amazed by it.

This time things would go right.

"Hello, my friends." Pacifica said, her sweet and soft voice echoed in the showroom, the audience cheered and clapped, happy to see her back, she let them clap, for she liked their attention and happiness. She beat her staff on the ground, the audience stopped clapping. "I see we have old and. . . new faces." she said. "For old and new. Welcome. Welcome to another world."

The audience was silent, paying attention to every word and move.

"In this world, your thoughts are no longer contained, but worry not! Here you all are safe." Pacifica said. "Close your eyes, relax and breath in, here there is no judgment for your sins."

Pacifica looked at her staff, the gem to be specific, her surroundings slowly changed to grey, purple smokes covered the audience's head, ah, how she loved seeing that place again, a place of her own, where she could see the depths of people's mind. Her smile grew.

Don't lose your focus, Pacifica. There's a show going on right now.

She closed her eyes, her head tilted as she wandered through people's minds, a curious expression on her face as her eyes kept closed. "Hm. . . Interesting." she thought.

Suddenly, Pacifica beat her staff on the platform while pointing it to a woman that had called her attention. "Lazy Susan!" she exclaimed, making some in the audience flinch at her sudden move and shout. She chuckled a bit. "How long it has been, right? Tell me, did anything interesting happen while I was away?"

Lazy Susan, owner of the local diner, had a permanent closed eye. Not much would have happened sure, but it was worth a shot, besides, Pacifica liked the woman.

A thought came to Pacifica's spell, a new recipe, apple fritter.


"I see, you have a new recipe, hm?" Pacifica asked. "How lovely, I would love to try it out!" she added. "Don't worry, your secret recipe is safe with me."

Pacifica winked at Susan, then she moved to the next person. "Tad, nice to see you again." she said. "What have you been up to?"

Tad Strange, a man that didn't bother or care about many things, he was neutral, even about the guardians. Such a shame for someone with such a name. She dug into his mind, finding something new, at least, new for Tad himself.

"Hm, how interesting." Pacifica said. "A new kind of bread? That's a big change for you! How. . ."

Pacifica trailed off.

Her eyes widened, was a guardian here?

They were the only ones she couldn't read, but she didn't feel any of their auras entering or near the audience.

She glanced to the extreme back of the show, seeing a curious sight. Two teenagers, both seemed to be her age or maybe one or two years younger, one was blonde, the other had blue hair, certainly dyed, Pacifica assumed, the blonde gave her a curious grin, the blue haired one had a nervous look, surely opposites. The symbols on the blonde's clothes made her eyes widen.

She recognised it instantly.

That was him.

Her eyes turned to the blue haired boy, he had nothing but a square, she gave him a curious look.

Who was that?

She knew she couldn't break the act, but she was too eager to know, her curiosity spoke louder. It could be risky, but he didn't seem to be the threat she knew the one besides him was. Pacifica quickly smiled again.

"Forgive me." Pacifica said. "I just got lost in the minds, so many at once, am I right?" she chuckled softly. "This might seem unexpected. . . But I'd like to bring someone up here with me."

She clapped twice as the lights went out, they turned back on and five foxes appeared besides her. The audience looked amazed, surprised mostly, she had never brought someone upstage with her before. Pacifica heard their thoughts and minds, many wanted to be there with her, she would have to apologise, because she already had someone in mind.

Pacifica tried to take a look at the two boys' mind, failing in Bill's, as she expected, but the other one was a bit different, she wasn't expecting that from him.

Is he a different demon?

Perhaps a weaker one.

She pointed to the audience, the foxes jumped out of the stage and ran towards the back, rushing after the pair, one stood in front of the blue haired boy and the other pushed him on top of two foxes while he gasped in surprise, they carried him to the stage as his face was filled with anxiousness and fear.

He wanted to be everywhere but onstage.

The foxes stopped in front of their owner, Pacifica, still having the boy on top of them, who kept shaking in anxiety and fear. Pacifica put her hand in front of him, a calm smile on her face.

"Fear not, my boy." Pacifica said. "Come on, let me help you."

Hesitantly, he took Pacifica's hand and stood up, now the two were face to face with each other. Pacifica was a bit taller, maybe it was thanks to the heels, maybe not, she couldn't know. She barely knew who that boy was.

"What's your name?" Pacifica asked.

The boy looked down, trying to calm down, Pacifica noticed it, feeling small pity. "Will. . ." Will answered. "My name is Will Cipher."

"Will Cipher? That's surely not a demon name." Pacifica thought as her smile disappeared. "He doesn't look like one either, maybe. . ." she paused, smiling again. "This is your first time in Infinite Gravity, isn't it? When did you arrive?"

"Am. . . I. . ." Will paused, waiting for her to read his mind or something.

The thing is, she couldn't, but she had another thing in her hands. The information she got from Stanley while he interfered on her small talk with the Pines twins.

"I'd say. . . A week ago." Pacifica said. Will nodded. "Any family members? Go ahead, tell me, I'll figure out."

The audience was surprised that she wanted him to actually answer, Will glanced at Bill discretely, then he glanced back at Pacifica.

"My twin brother, B—"

He was interrupted by her. "Bill Cipher." she said, with a serious expression.

Bill's eyes widened, Pacifica glanced at him discretely, the audience didn't seem to notice, but Bill did. She looked back at Will with a smile.

"Are you enjoying town, my dear Will?" Pacifica asked.

"Yes. . . I am." Will said.

"No incidents at all, correct?" Pacifica asked.

That was a lie, Will knew it, making him suspect her act was fake, after all, they had that small problem with Naga at the forest. He decided to lie, because he didn't want to give someone a bad reputation. Will nodded, still not making eye contact with her.

"Fantastic." Pacifica said. "Let's continue the show."

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