FF (7)

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Doodle made by ThatShyStardust

"Stop the car," Pacifica demanded.

The driver looked at her confused. "Stop the car," she repeated herself. "I need to see someone."

The driver stopped the truck — a fresh new and well clean vehicle — next to a pavement with a cracked trail of marble floor. Pacifica waited in the passenger's seat as the driver got out and walked around, then pulled her door open.

"The Dame of Magic and Witchcraft," the driver said in a loud voice. "Pacifica Pleasure." With a dramatic sweep of her arm, she welcomed Pacifica out of the truck.

"Why, thank you, darling," Pacifica said. She carefully jumped down onto the snowy road — the blue pine trees and golden stars on her skirt jangled with the motion — before heading purposefully in front of the marble trail.

She took a step forward and turned her head up, in front of her was a big white castle with flags of a shooting star and a blue pine tree attached together — similar to a Christmas tree. A smile was formed across her face. After taking a good look at the castle, she continued to walk until she reached the entrance of the castle, being greeted by a pair of raven knights.

"Greyson," she turned to the other knight. "Candy,"

"Pacifica," Candy replied.

"Wow, back to town? It's been a while! When did you arrive?" Greyson asked, in a much politer tone than Candy's.

"I just got here," Pacifica said. "I want to talk to them."

Candy and Greyson shared a look. Greyson nod. Candy took her weapon out of the way and gave space for Pacifica to pass as Greyson opened one of the wooden doors of the castle. Pacifica bounced down a bit as if she was bowing and went inside of the castle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The sound of Pacifica's heels echoed through the halls of the castle. This castle was like a maze, luckily she had learned the path to the throne room. She turned to the paintings on the walls in search of a new one — this family was unpredictable, who knows when something new could pop in while she was out? — but all she saw were the same pictures of two old-looking guardians and two young-looking guardians — all related.

She stopped in the middle of the way to look at one of the paintings — it had the two young-looking guardians in it, a man and a woman. The man held a sword pointing to the ground, while the woman kept her hands behind her back. Her smile grew as she kept focused on the beauty of the man's face. "Dipper. . ."

An eerie (but familiar) feeling hit Pacifica. She turned to the woman in the painting and her smiling face soon turned into a neutral one. As she made eye contact with the woman in the painting a flashback of a year before she left town flashed on her eyes: Pacifica was on the ground, the woman's eyes (iris and sclera) glowed in orange and red — unlike her natural iris colour, which were blue. The woman kneeled in front of Pacifica, the teen backed away with fear of getting hurt again.

"Never defy me again," she said, in a cold tone. "Foolish child."

Pacifica blinked her eyes and snapped back to reality, feeling shivers down her spine. She gulped and turned back to her front, trying to forget that day — the day she dared to challenge one of the highest guardians in the hierarchy, being together with the man in the first place of most powerful. The day she defied Mabel Pines. She kept going to where she wanted, unaware that the eyes on the painting moved to look as she quickly walked out of the hall.

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