FF (6)

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The two made their way back to the museum, Bill decided that the silence between them was boring. He looked at the snow on the floor and picked some up, making a snowball and hitting his brother's back.

"Really?" Will asked, he got hit again. "You asked for it."

Will made a snowball and threw it at his brother, the war now begun and the two kept chasing each other all of the way back to the museum.

When they approached a bit, a snowball thrown by Will hit what should be a tree, but the sound it made didn't seem like a tree.

"What on earth?" Will asked, being hit in the face by a snowball.

"Haha!" Bill let out, turning to the tree. "Was that sound metal?" he asked.

"I don't know." Will said, throwing ball at the back of Bill's head.

"Hey!" Bill shouted.

"Don't hey me, you hit my face!" Will said.

"I'll get you back later." Bill said, turning back to the tree. "Now what is this?"

"Brother, didn't you learn your lesson from earlier now?" Will asked.

His reminders were ignored by his brother, who approached the three and knocked on it, getting another sound of metal in response.

"Hey bro! This is a fake tree!" Bill shouted.

Will approached the tree and knocked on it as well. "This is weird." Will affirmed. "Why would there be a fake tree here?"

"Maybe to hide something inside!" Bill suggested.

"I don't know, maybe—"

Bill tried to open it, Will just watched him use all of his efforts to try so and fail, again and again, Will gave up in trying, he just let his brother do what he wanted. He sat down on a rock in the middle of the snow, putting his arms above his legs and resting his head on his hands, Bill kept on trying to open thee thing, soon a small crack was heard.

"There's a purple thing coming out of this!" Bill exclaimed.

"Purple thing?" Will asked. "Like what? Slime?"

"No, it's a light!" Bill affirmed.

"Light? Wait— is it magic?" Will wondered.

An excited gasp came from Bill's mouth. "Challenge accepted." he said.

"Bill, please don't." Will said.

Bill kept trying to open it, ignoring his brother. Will sighed and kept sat, looking at his sides.

He noticed something hidden in the snow, an obsidian. Curious, he approached it carefully and cleaned the stone, there was a drawing on it.

"A hand, leading to a tree, leading to a door. . . leading to a book?" Will read out loud.

"What are you doing?" Bill asked from the tree.

Will tried to pick the obsidian up, but it was too heavy for him, so he did his best to drag it with him to his brother. "I, found. . ." Will fell back, the obsidian stood between them. "Something. . ."

Bill approached the rock and saw the drawings, "A six finger hand, a tree, a door and a book? What does that mean?" he asked.

"I don't know." Will said, standing up with his hand on his head.

"Are you okay?!" Bill asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I just beat my head on the metal tree." Will said.

"You're not bleeding, are you?" Bill asked, looking at his brother's head.

"I hope I'm not, it wasn't even that hard." Will said.

"I hope so." Bill mumbled.

"Wait. . ." Will looked at the obsidian, thought for a while, and then turned to his brother. "What if inside of this tree is a book?"

The idea made Bill analyse the obsidian again, soon he started to connect the dots as well.

"Sixer did this!" Bill affirmed.

". . .Sixer?" Will asked.

"Ford." Bill said.

"Oh!" Will let out.

"But something doesn't add up here." Bill said. "I don't think this is just telling us what's inside. . ."

He kept looking at the obsidian, then he glanced back at the tree, then at the obsidian, then at the tree again, repeatedly, until he had an idea.

"Give me your hand." Bill said.

"Why?" Will asked.

"So if my theory's wrong you'll be the one losing your hand." Bill said. That statement made a horrified expression appear in Will's face, who held his hand with the other one and stared blankly at his brother. "I'm kidding! I have an idea."

"That was not funny at all!" Will affirmed.

"Yeah yeah, just give me a hand." Bill said.

The two approached the tree, Bill put his hand in the door, leaving his last two fingers up. He made a signal for his brother to put three fingers and Will did as he said. A purple light came out of the metal and made a circle around their hands, soon it started to glow brighter and brighter, until their visions turned entirely blank. When they managed to see again, Bill rushed to see what was inside, he saw a book with a golden hand and a number three in it.

"The hand was the password, the tree was the disguise, the container was the safe box and the book was the treasure!" Bill said, laughing a bit after. "Isn't that amazing?"

"Maybe. . . what's the book about?" Will asked.

Bill opened the book and started to read the pages, his eyes widened as he saw the many things in it.

"What? What's going on?" Will asked.

Bill's shocked expression earned a smile on his face, soon he started to laugh, it got louder and louder, loud enough to scare Will.

"B—Brother. . .? What are you—?"

"I knew it!" Bill shouted.

"What did you know?" Will asked.

Bill rushed to his brother and showed him the book. "This in my hands is not just a book, not just a journal! This is a guide of magic and spells! This contains the secrets of the universe!"

The statement left Will in a state of shock.

"But why would this book be here?" Will asked.

"It doesn't matter!" Bill stated. "Because now. . . We can change the world!"

"Huh? How?" Will asked.

"Let's make a new reality." Bill put an arm around his brother's shoulders. "Imagine, you and me living like gods! No one would ever dare to attack us! We would make a perfect world!"

The idea seemed tempting, Will expressed his liking for the idea, the two ruling a world of peace. "I think. . . This would be perfect." Will said.

That earned a smile from Bill, who happily hugged his brother as the two went back to the museum. "I just can't wait for the things we will do with this." Bill said.

Even if the idea sounded amazing, something was kept in Will's mind. What about the guardians? Surely they wouldn't approve this idea, it was most likely they wouldn't. And if they didn't, the two would end up in a lot of trouble for the entire winter. That made Will gulp, he wondered what would happen if they were being watched.

Little did he know. . .

They were.

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