SBW (9)

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"Welcome," Victoria said. "Welcome to the Hall of Ancient History!"

The three looked at the hall with amazement. The walls were painted in light blue in a shade that was almost white, on the walls were paintings and in the end were big statues, the farthest on the hall the taller the statues were. The first statues were made of stone, the statues at the end were made of marble. There were some dark blue painted marks on the walls that resembled old letters and crypts, all that couldn't be translated by humankind. The roof had painted symbols in different colours, they were painted in a way that made it look like glass.

"This is bigger than I expected!" Bill exclaimed. "Can't wait to see everything!"

"Then let's get this started!" Victoria said. She led the group near the first painting, around it were a bunch of red spirals. "This here, ladies and gentlemen, is a painting of the first contact between us, mere humans, with the guardians! Here, we see the guardians of Day and Night, Stanford and Stanley Pines!"


Hearing that made Bill and Will's eye widen. The possible-author of the journal was one of those Pines. They already met him, he didn't seem that much of a problem, but that was before they found the journal. That was before they even knew that the Pines were a big deal. That surely sounded like trouble. The twins snapped back to reality, taking a look at the painting.

The frame was dark brown with golden circular markings on the sides. The painting had a native American chief in front of Ford and Stan, people gathered behind the chief. It was painted with warm colours, making the ambient seem to be somewhere in the middle of the year.

"The painter did a great job with this." Pacifica commented.

"I agree." Will replied.

Victoria walked with them to the next painting, this one had a hourglass on a small wooden table under it, sand was spread on the table, a small red ruby was barely peeking out of it. "This is one of town's most remembered events," Vic said. "The arrival of the Guardians of Balance to our town, Dipper and Mabel Pines!"

Did Bill heard it correctly? Did she just say. . .

Mabel Pines?

She just said Mabel Pines!

Bill's smile grew. He finally knew who she was, Mabel Pines was a Guardian of Balance! And Dipper was related to her! Should this be bad? He was in the museum earlier that day. Nah, he didn't seem to want trouble, at least for now. He would be cautious with them though.

He looked at the painting with the two loving birds next to him. It had a white frame with the same markings as the previous one, but they were silver instead. The painting itself had Ford and Stan together once again, with them was a floating blue pine tree and a yellow shooting star with a small black hat floating above it, their eyes matched in a different way, the shooting star had a blue sclera and orange iris, the pine tree had orange sclera and blue iris.

"Wait, wasn't Dipper the guy that was here earlier?" Will asked.

"Yep," Victoria said. "Why?"

"Why is he like—"

"Those are their real forms." Pacifica said. "The guardians, that are born guardians at least, only stay in human forms to blend in with the humans."

"Well remembered." Victoria said. "Although, they can't really disguise themselves, can they?" she shrugged. "Let's be honest, everyone's gonna notice them, either by clothes or their eyes."

Pacifica giggled. "You're right."

"Well, they still have nice outfits." Will said.

"It would be very cool if they stayed on their real forms as well," Bill commented. "Just imagine all of those different entities walking around in their — probably creepy — version of themselves! Ha!"

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