SBW (8)

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"Can I see now?" Will asked. He wore a blindfold and was being guided by Pacifica, he had no clue where she was taking him.

"Not yet." Pacifica softly replied. "We're close, dear, don't worry."

Will kept silent at that, only waiting for Pacifica to take him wherever she was doing so. He felt himself being stopped by her, his blindfold was taken off his eyes, but he kept them closed for a moment, "We're here" she said.

He opened his eyes and blinked a couple times, his eyes readjusting to the light of the sun, he was in front of an open window, being able of seeing the entire town from there. His mouth opened agape in amazement, he put his hands on the edge of the window and peeked outside, the cold wind hit his face softly. "Where are we?"

"This is my tower." Pacifica said, walking closer until she stood next to Will. "A bit close to here there's my family's warehouse," Will gave her space to watch the view with him, she put her hands on the edge as well and peeked out with him. "I would take you there, but the tower has a better view, don't you think?"

Even if he hadn't seen the view from the warehouse, he could believe she was right. The view before him was breathtaking — The tower situated besides a mountain, not too close but not too far from the rest of the town, some would say it resembled an airport tower. A cliff could be seen with a building in it, that was Pacifica's family warehouse. Small houses littered the landscape below, poking up through a thin grey layer of clouds, no people could be seen. But that wasn't what called their attention the most, but the sight of the sunset right in front of them, two mountains besides the sun as it went down and slowly start to get out of sight, giving space for the moon to shine.

"I agree, Crescent Moon." Will said.

Pacifica froze from a moment, her eyes were blank. She blinked before turning to Will. "Crescent Moon?"

Will realise what he had done with wide eyes, he turned to Pacifica. "I—I'm so sorry! I don't know why I called you that, it just, felt right. . . for some reason— I'm sorry!"

Pacifica and Will made eye contact for a while, worry filled Pacifica's heart. She knew there was only two kinds of people that would ever call her that, the mighty and powerful Balance, or the feared and evil King of Demons. Will looked back to the window, looking down to the city. "I'm sorry."

She felt bad, her reaction made sense to her (and to any other guardian she knew), but not to him, because he was being a puppet of an evil being. She had to save him, no matter what, she had to take Will out of his mind control, before it was too late. The signs were already there, the symbol calling, it couldn't be anyone else — this is Bill's doing. Pacifica took a silent deep breath.

"It's okay," she put a hand on Will's shoulder. "I'm sorry for reacting like that."

"No, you don't like the nickname, it's a reasonable reaction." Will said. "I won't call you that again, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Please, stop apologising." Pacifica said.

Will opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself as he knew he was going to apologise once again. He closed his mouth and looked back at the sunset.

"You know, this may be random, but, I feel like queen of everything up here." Pacifica said, with a soft smile.

"Makes sense," Will turned his head to Pacifica. "I mean, you do have the traits of a queen."

"Oh, do I?" Pacifica asked, turning her head to him.

"Yeah, you're strong, you're pretty, and— I should probably stop talking." Will said, his cheeks warming up as he noticed what he was saying.

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