SBW (10)

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Bill made his way to the Pleasure warehouse. He left a note on the bedside table, so Will would know where he was in case something went horribly wrong. He wanted to bring his brother along, but was very well aware that he wouldn't approve of what he was doing.

His feet crunched softly on the snow as he walked up the winding hill that led to his destination. He reached the entrance of the warehouse, he glanced at it, and then turned behind to see if he could catch the view of the tower Will had mentioned before. It wasn't too hard to see it — it was the tallest building of town, after all. The pitch black sky was the main reason Bill had brought a flashlight with him, he used it to take a look at the landscape before him. He took a moment to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

A flash of a different scenery came up to his view: a blonde girl giggled at the rooftop of a warehouse like the one he was in front of, she was together with a boy, and instead of a dark night, there was a bright daylight.

Bill snapped back to reality and blinked twice. Focus, he told himself, Look for clues on Pacifica's intentions, your little brother is dating that two-faced girl, you need proof that she might actually be bad.

The warehouse was a large and formidable building. Bill crept along the side, looking for the door, finding it sooner than expected. He checked if it was locked.

It wasn't.

A grin appeared on his face. He carefully pulled the door open, pointing his flashlight inside. It shone on the antique furniture inside the warehouse, he stepped inside and looked around, seeing various magical-like artefacts and different encrypted texts. One thing he was sure from that, even if she wasn't a big of a threat, she had some connection to the guardians — or she was like Bill, a curious explorer, but a lot far ahead on the discoveries of the hidden secrets of the town.

"Welcome, Bill."

Bill eyes went wide as he followed the voice. To his right, a single lightbulb flickered to life; a figure stepped into view. Pacifica's face lit up with a triumphant smile as her eyes locked on Bill's.

"Looking for something?"

A short wave of confidence hit Bill. He adjusted his posture to look more confident and gave Pacifica a serious look. "Perhaps I am," he said.

Before he could say another word, Pacifica spoke up: "Let me guess, a way to manipulate another Crescent Moon?"

Bill raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Will doesn't know, does he?" she asked.

Hearing his brother's name made anger and protectiveness hit him. He tried to step forward but couldn't, he froze right there. A purple light appeared around his body, stopping him. The warehouse door slammed shut with an ominous boom.

"Wh—What's going on?" Bill asked.

"I thought you were smarter than this," Pacifica said. "Perhaps you're just cocky, and dramatic."

"What?" Bill struggled against the purple light, but he couldn't move. "Let me go, you weirdo!"

"Oh, I'm weird now," Pacifica giggled. "Says the demon of chaos himself, the drama flying dream demon from two worlds."

"What are you talking about? What kind of cell is this?!" Bill trashed against the magic, it felt tighter the more he tried, like he was wrapped in cellophane.

"Drop the act," Pacifica said, with a tone that didn't match her smiling face. "You knew from the moment you saw me that I wasn't a fake."

Part of what she said was right. From the moment they met, Bill had the feeling that she was not a fraud, but decided to ignore it — big mistake, now he knew that. Now it made sense, she was a real Dame of Magic and Witchcraft, her tricks were not fake. "I had a feeling," he said. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

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