FF (5)

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The ground shook, the two looked around prepared for the appearance of a weird creature. A big hole was made on the ground and a giant snake emerged from it, in its eyes there were two clocks, that was where the ticking sound came from.

"Oh stars. . ." Bill mumbled.

"Run!" Will said, grabbing his brother's arm and running as fast as he could.

The snake chased them and surrounded the two, it was so big that they looked like ants near it.

"The scent of a devil who failed his rescue. . . I see you Cipher. . ." the snake said.

"Deep creepy voice! Deep creepy voice!" Will thought.

Bill raised an eyebrow, confused.

"What do you mean with that?" Bill asked.

"Bill!" Will exclaimed.

"You are a devil from a world far away, or at least, a version of him. Bill Cipher." the snake said.

"Who are you?" Bill asked.

"Bill shut up!" Will told him.

The snake grabbed Will with its tail and pulled them closer to its head, covering the boy's mouth as the twins get in panic.

"Let him go!" Bill shouted.

"How pathetic to see you like this." the snake said.

"I don't even know you!" Bill shouted. "What do you want from us?!"

"Victory." the snake said.

The tail put Will above the snake's head. It opened its mouth and slowly let go of Will, who would fall down inside of the snake's mouth.

"No!" Bill shouted, almost crying.

Bill saw an axe on the ground, he grabbed it and threw it on the snake's head, hitting the nose and making it let go of his brother as it fell back, Will fell down from a really high height.

"Bill!" Will cried.

Bill ran towards his brother, crying, fearing the worst, which was about to happen. This is all my fault! I shouldn't have come here! Neither brought my brother in this situation! he thought,

Before Bill could do anything, vines tied Will and prevented him from hurting himself, soon Will and his brother were together again.

Bill hugged his brother tightly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Will hugged him back. "It's— it's okay. . .
I'm— I'm fine." Will said.

"You're stuttering again, you're afraid." Bill mumbled. "This is all my fault."

"Well, now you know to be careful with this forest."

"Yeah. . ." Bill replied.

"Bill, that was not me." Will said.

"Huh? Then what— who said that?" Bill asked.

Will's face changed to a terrified expression, Bill was confused. "B—B—B—B—Behind you!" Will shouted.

He turned back to see what was scaring his brother, he saw a creature filled with fur and scars, the mouth had sharp teeth and the hands had sharp claws.

"What the— what?!" Bill shouted, retreating with his brother.

"Fear not." the creature said, going towards the snake.

"Ugh, spirits." the snake mumbled.

The axe was not on its head anymore, it was now on the ground covered in blood, there was a bleeding cut on the snake's head.

"What did you expect?" The creature asked, pulling the axe off of the ground. "You knew this was my turf."

"Do me a favour and die!" the snake said, attacking the creature.

In a blink of an eye the axe swung across the snake's head, the creature was so fast that not even the snake saw them attacking. The head fell off of the body, and to make sure, the creature sliced the head in half.

"Nah, you die. Thanks." they said, patting one of the halves of the snake's head.

Bill and Will were frozen at the scene they just witnessed, they didn't even blink of how shocked they were.

The creature turned to them, making the two tremble a bit. Are they going to kill us too? Will asked himself. I don't want to die!

Soon the creature's shape turned into a black haired man, the chest was exposed and in it was an ice tattoo, on his head was a deer's head and the only clothing he wore was the one covering his legs.

"Great job throwing my axe at Naga." he said.

"Thanks. . .?" Bill mumbled in response.

The man approached the two and reached out to them. "The name's Robbie Corduroy." he got no response. "What? Isn't that how you greet people?"

Bill looked at him a bit confused and shocked, he was still processing what he just witnessed. He grabbed the spirit's hand and shook it. "The name's Bill Cipher. You must be the forest itself."

"That's me." Robbie said. "Spirit of the forest, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." Bill said. He turned his look to his brother. "Hey bro, it's rude to just stare."

Will widened his eyes in shock but then got back to his normal expression, he reached out as well. "My name is Will. . . Will Cipher."

Robbie shook his hand with a smile. "Nice meeting you, kid."

"So many muscles— I mean— Am.. this is so awkward. I'm so sorry." Will said.

The spirit let out a small laugh, "No worries, kid, it's common to notice."

Will kept silent after that, he felt so embarrassed that his face was as red as a tomato.

"You'll be living in the museum, hm? Quite lucky for two explorers as yourselves." Robbie said.

"We know, but thanks." Bill said.

"Stop being so cocky." Will told Bill, elbowing him.

"Excuse me, I'm not!" Bill said, in a defensive tone.

"Sorry for him. . ." Will said.

Robbie kept silent for a while, his smile was already gone from his face, which made Will feel anxious, he wondered if him or his brother did something wrong.

"What's with the bandages?" Robbie asked.

Will looked at his arm, surprised, his sleeve was cut off so his bandages were showing, that explained why he felt a bit cold.

"I don't want to talk about it." Will said.

"Hm, alright then." Robbie said.

"Can you tell me something?" Bill asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Robbie asked.

"Who are the Pines?" Bill asked.

The question made Robbie a bit shocked, but soon, his expression turned back to normal and a small smile appeared on his face. "You'll see soon." Robbie answered.

"Wait, that's it?" Bill asked. Robbie turned to leave, but Bill didn't get enough. "Wait! Please tell me! Who are those Pines?! Who is Mabel Pines?!"

All questions unanswered, Bill stood there a bit angry and annoyed. Will put his hand on his brother's shoulder, getting his attention.

"Let's just go back, Bill." Will said.

Bill let out a sigh, looking at the direction Robbie went, then at his brother again. "Fine, let's go."

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