SBW (4)

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"That was quite a show, don't you think?" Bill asked.

Will nodded, still a bit uneasy. "I guess. . ."

Bill raised an eyebrow, confused. "What's wrong?"

"I just. . . I just had a bad feeling there." Will stated.

"Bad feeling? Of what?" Bill asked.

"I—I don't know, it's just—" he tripped on a rock in the middle of the street, Bill held him before he could hit the floor. "Phew. . . That was a close one."

"Be careful, Will!" Bill said. "I can't save you forever, ya know?"

"I know, sorry." Will said. "I just got distracted for a second."

"Hm, sure." Bill said. "So, how was being onstage with a “magician”?"

Bill's sarcasm was showing. Will didn't look at his brother. Deep inside he felt like her tricks were not just tricks, like Pacifica Pleasure was a real deal, but he didn't know, he didn't want to think about that.

"It was. . . Fine." Will said. "Let's change the subject."

"Alright, what do you think of exploring a cave with me?" Bill asked. "I found some cool stuff on the journal, and it might be helpful as well!"

"Anything about the. . . Pines?" Will asked.

"I found a page, but I didn't read it yet." Bill said. "But I can assume those Pines are more than just fruits!"

"Bill, pine isn't a fruit." Will said.

"It isn't?" Bill shrugged. "Welp, my bad!"

The Mystery Museum could be seen, Bill ran inside, Will followed him behind seconds later, calling out to Bill and telling his brother to wait for him, they closed the door behind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Will was at the cash register once again, Bill put a couple of boxes besides the desk Will was in, soon, a familiar girl was seeing coming inside of the museum. Mayoress Melody.

"Hello, kids!" Melody said.

"Heya, Question Mark!" Bill greeted.

"Hi, Ms. Ramirez." Will greeted.

"Are you two busy?" Melody asked.

"Am. . . I mean—"

"When are we not?" Bill interrupted Will.

"Bill!" Will called out.

"What? It's true." Bill said.

Will turned to the mayoress. "Sorry for him."

Melody chuckled a bit. "It's alright." she put a small envelope on their table. "Whenever you can, could you please deliver this?"

Bill and Will gave each other looks, Will took the envelope and stood from the chair he was sitting in, he softly smiled at Melody. "I'll do it."

"Thank you!" Melody said. "We're having some problem with the mails today, sorry to bother you guys with this."

"It's alright." Will turned to Bill. "Keep an eye on the cash, please. . . And don't flirt with anyone."

Bill rolled his eyes. "Alright, mom."

Will gave him a quick glare before walking to the door, leaving the museum afterwards.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Will walked down a small, snow covered street, the address the mayoress wanted the envelope to be delivered to. He had no clue of who he was going to give this to, but he was sure it was someone nice. If Melody trusted this person, he could too, right?


A small bouquet of flowers was on his hands as well, he was offered them and even if he was warned multiple times about stranger danger, he couldn't refuse, he loved them, they were free! And he didn't want to sound ungrateful, so he just took the flowers.

He got to the mansion, a trailer in the driveway made him pause. The logo for the Tent of Telepathy was painted on the side. Will glanced at it in shock and small fear, he gulped. Was that Pacifica's home?

He turned back to the big mansion, he took a deep breath and approached the door, he glanced down at the envelope he had with him, then at the flowers. "Well, at least it will be a good gift."

He moved his hand near the door, then pulled it back before he could actually knock, feeling reluctant about even touching the door. He took another deep breath. "Focus, Will, it's from the mayoress."

He knocked on the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A fairy stood by Pacifica's right doing her eyelashes, another one was at her left doing her eyeshadow, and a third one stood in front of her, applying lipstick. The sound of the door knocking called all of their attention, the fairies pulled away and Pacifica frowned towards it. Who could that be?

She let the fairies finish her makeup — she may not be expecting guests, but she still needed to, had to, look perfect. — and went to the door, opening it. She lowered her head a bit to face the person that stood by the door.

Will Cipher.

"My, hello there." Pacifica's tone of voice was sweet and polite. She hid her cautiousness about the boy, after all, she knew who, or what, he was related to.

"Um. . . Hi." Will said, a bit nervous. "I have something for you."

Pacifica raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

Will held out the bouquet of flowers and the envelope, Pacifica paused, taking the flowers two seconds later. "Sorry for my sudden appearance, the mayoress wanted to give you this envelope and—"

"Did she send the bouquet as well?" Pacifica asked.

"Actually, I got it as a gift, and I decided to give it to you." Will said. He wasn't telling the full truth, but yet, that wasn't a lie, the bouquet was meant for whoever he had to give that envelope, and that turned out to be Pacifica.

Pacifica took a soft sniff of the flowers, letting their sweet smell fill her lungs, she let the breath out, then looked back at Will. "Thank you." she said. "This is a really lovely surprise. I was getting ready for my next show."

"Your next show?" Will asked. "Isn't it like. . . Two P.M.?"

Pacifica nodded. "Yes, it is. But I've been gone for long, a year to be precise." she stated. "My fans all want to come see me now that I'm back."

"Oh, you're a real celebrity around here, hm?" Will asked.

"Yes, indeed, I am." Pacifica said. Her eyes stuck on Will's symbol, a blue square, she was already sure he wasn't a threat, but something inside of her still was unsure. She hesitated before asking. "Why don't you come inside?"

"Are you sure?" Will asked. "I don't want to be a problem, and I have to work, and—"

"I insist." Pacifica said, although, she hid her distrust.

Will stood quiet for a moment, his iris didn't stay still, he looked at the floor, then at the edge of the door, then at the other side of the door, looking back down before looking back up to Pacifica.

"Okay. . ."

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