SBW (6)

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Bill was upside down on the couch, reading a particular page on the journal that had caught his attention. On that page was a drawing of a shooting star and a pine tree with a single eye, drawn in black ink, the eyes being the only thing with different colours, although they were the same ones, but painted differently in a certain way. The pine tree had an orange sclera, the shooting star had a blue one, the iris of the star was orange while the pine tree's was blue. As if they were somehow connected, as if halves that complete each other.

That page surely caught Bill's attention.

He tried to decode some ciphers that were written in it, failing miserably. Not even the internet translators could help him. "How old is this language?!" Bill screamed to himself. He looked at his sides carefully, then sat down properly, no signals of anyone that could ruin his investigation on that journal, such as Robbie or the most-likely author of that journal.

Stanford Pines.

Bill sighed, almost giving up, he decided it would be easier if he just read the readable things first. Lucky for him, most of the page had those things. Why did he start with the codes before going for what he could actually read? Please, it's Bill Cipher we're talking about.

The door slightly opened, Bill took his eyes off the journal (took him an hour or more to do that). Will walked inside, looking almost completely different from before, which was the first thing Bill noticed when his brother came in, accidentally judging him with his eyes.

"Hey Bill. . . I'm back." Will said.

Bill eyed him up and down, then looked at his brother's face again. "Woah." he let out. "Did you visit a rich salon or something? How did you even pay for that?"

Will looked away. "I. . . I—I didn't." he walked to the couch, sitting next to his brother. "I just spend some time with a new friend."

"New friend?" Bill asked. "Wait. . . You spend all this time at wherever the mayoress send you?" Will nodded to his question. "Okay. . . Where was it?"

"It was Pacifica's mansion." Will answered.

Bill blinked. "Wait. . . You were hanging out with Pacifica, the weird fraud teen girl?"

Will was silent for a second, a word that came from Bill's mouth got stuck on his head for a second. Pacifica wasn't a fake, she was half guardian! Daughter of an entity/guardian and a simple mortal, her tricks weren't fake. But. . . Should he tell Bill? Maybe not yet, he didn't know how Bill would react to that, besides, he already showed that he didn't like Pacifica, things could be worse if he knew.

"Earth to Will." Bill called.

Will blinked twice. He looked at Bill and said. "Sorry." he mumbled. "And she's not weird. . ."

"Right, she's not." Bill replied, sarcastically. "So. . . Did she give you this makeover?"

"Yes, she did." Will said, being eyed up and down by Bill a second time.

The outfit wasn't bad, and it looked good on Will, it was just weird seeing that kind of style on him. It was like mixing sweet with salt, both are good separated, but weird to see together most of times, besides, Will was always more into comfortable outfits than fancy ones, although he liked them, he would rather to stay comfortable on a shirt, a sweater, a jacket, anything that isn't a tie and suit that would make it impossible to breath. Although (by some miracle), Pacifica surely managed to make both styles mix, both Will's and hers.

He wore a dark blue button blazer with his white shirt inside, the blazer hid the blue square of his shirt completely. A pair of jeans (that surely looked a bit tight) with a white belt, on his head was a pair of white winter headphones, on the left side was a drawing of a crescent moon, and on the other side, was a square just like the one on his shirt, since the one he had was covered by the blazer.

"Not bad, but I thought you didn't like wearing jeans?" Bill asked.

"I don't. . . But I didn't want to upset Pacifica, I mean, the outfit is good, and she was really nice to me inviting me backstage." Will said.

"Hold up, you went backstage with her?" Bill let out a single laugh. "Will, are you trying to get her in love with you?"

Will's eyes widened. "W—What?! No! She was the one that invited me! I just said yes!" Will stated.

"Don't act like you can't say no." Bill said. "I've seen you being rude before."

Will crossed his arms. "That was different, those were mean people." he stated. "She's not mean to me."

"Glad she's not, because if she is. . ." Bill had a cold and a bit of anger on his voice.

"Please don't pick on a fight with Pacifica." Will said, almost pleading.

"I won't. . ." Bill started to whisper. "Yet."

Will leaned closer to his brother. "So, what were you doing before I came back?"

"Remember the page I told you before? About the Pines?" Will nodded as a response. "Just checking it out, and guess what?"

"What?" Will asked, a bit worried. He knew his brother, anything could come out from his mouth, and that means anything.

"I understood nothing!" Bill exclaimed, with a fake enthusiasm.

Will almost let out a relieved sound, but then remembered that if he didn't understand it, than they could end up having a ton of disadvantage. Those Pines seemed like a big deal to them, and they had too little information on them. Perhaps the Museum itself had something about them? He didn't know, the twins had been stuck busy cleaning and dealing with the tourists to actually check it out.

"But anyways," Bill slammed the journal closed and stood up. "We better get back to duty before the Museum opens again, there's still one thing or another to take care of on the merchandise section."

Will looked at his brother in disbelief, a sigh escaped his mouth. "Alright. . . Let's go."

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