FF (3)

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Much like Bill had expected, the Museum had a ton of typical itens of a History Museum: paintings, statues, bones, pedestals, etc; while people wouldn't think of him as someone to like this kind of old stuff, he was indeed a fan of old collections and inventions, as well as a huge fan of science in general. Part of that 'nerdy' — which he'll never admit it to be — stuff caused some of his previous bullying back on his hometown. But here? Those things were seen as marvellous culture! He was already in love with the town.

He turned to his brother, who stopped his tracks a little back to stare at a painting of a giant white wolf with some blue symbols drawn on it and a trio of smaller dark grey wolves around him. Bill jumped, spun around until he caught up with his brother, throwing his weight on him and wrapping his arm around his shoulders, almost accidentally pushing his brother to the ground. "Heeeeeeeeeeeya! Whatcha seeing?"

Will looked back at the painting. "It's just a painting made in. . ." he stopped to read the description below the painting. "1795? Man, that's old."

"But still bold!" Bill chuckled.

"Yeah, it is very bold," Will looked at the painting. "and beautiful too." he smiled. "Wolves are very cool."

Bill raised an eyebrow, glancing at the wolf a second time. The shape of the face made the image of a drawn wolf head from what seemed to be the portion of a large circular drawing came will full force in front of his eyes, replacing the image of the actual painting. He blinked, snapping back to reality, vision back to normal. He looked down, then eyed the picture up and down, scoffing. "I prefer cats." he pulled his arm away from his brother. "Hey, check that out!" he rushed towards another area. Will sighed, going after his brother, but not without taking one last glance at the painting with a feeling of familiarity.

"Excuse me." Bill bumped into someone carelessly, ignoring the frown he received. "Sorry!" he said, not apologetically at all. "Coming through!" he passed through a whole crowd of people.

"Bill, I swear—" Will sighed, apologising to everyone his brother bumped into while following him.

Bill stopped his tracks once he stood before the foot of a bigfoot. A grin formed on his face with the excitement. "See that? See that?" he gestured to the showcased limb. "That's the proof we've been looking for our entire lives!"

Will smiled. "Yeah, that's part of it." he said. "How do we know it's. . . well. . ." he rubbed the back of his head. "Real?"

Bill dropped his smile, pensively. "You're right." he looked away, a hand on his chin and another on his waist. "This could just be a facade. . ."

"I don't want to think negatively, but, many people would try this, wouldn't they?" Will asked. "I mean, if this town is really as special as the mayoress made it seem—"

"Then the real thing is not here." Bill smiled. "It's somewhere outside, roaming free!"

"Yeah." Will smiled. "I mean, how would they know what is true and what is false?"

"Well, maybe some of this is fake." Bill looked around him. "But some of this is definitely true. It has to be true."

"You're very confident in this town, Bill." Will commented.

"Not confident in the town," Bill crossed his arms. "I'm confident on my intuition. And my intuition is telling me this town has great things waiting for us, things that scientists would never dare to call natural." he tilted his head to look at Will. "But you know what? It's not fun if it's natural."

Will shrugged. "I just hope it doesn't kill us."

Bill barked a laugh. "Please! As if something would dare to try me." he put his hands on his waist. "We survived hell and more, what could be worse?"

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