SBW (2)

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Bill expected something big from the reopening of the Tent of Telepathy, but surely not as big as it actually was being that day.

He had never been in a real show before, it was a first time experience, and surely he wasn't the only one excited, after all, there was a big line in front and behind him, the ending of it was down the road. The Cipher twins awaited, being close to the door but not inside yet. Bill chatted with everyone he could around him, and even pushed Will into talking as well, which he didn't really appreciate.

Will was more focused in admiring the sight of the amazing building in front of him, the purple cloth that rose in the air giving it an impression of being an actual tent, the symbol at the top was quite familiar, although he couldn't figure out why, the Crescent Moon.

"This surely is a great deal to town, huh Will?" Bill asked.

"Yeah. . ." Will said.

"Is something wrong?" Bill asked.

"No, not at all! I just. . ." Will paused, his eyes fixed on the Crescent Moon symbol at the top of the purple pyramidal cloth.

Bill gave him a confused and concerned look, but his smile kept the same on his face. "Will?"

His mind gave him flashbacks, memories that didn't belong to him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A pair of kids and a woman stood in a line that was so long it reached the trees, they were just arriving at the biggest event of G̶̦͎͛r̶̜̜͗̿̈́ḁ̴̡̡̀v̸̺̂͘͜i̴̩̫͐̚͝t̸̨̮͎͘͝y̶̳̍̊ ̷̨̻̣̈́R̴͈̊̾ì̸̧̫̪͝͠s̷͉̾͒ȇ̸̠̓̃ş̸͉̈́̏. The kids were quite different from each other, one was jumpy, a blonde extroverted girl, the other was quiet, a white haired introverted boy with glasses.

They stood in front of a building that had a yellow cloth that rose in the air making it look like a real tent, the cloth was supported by poles and there was one at the top of the cloth with a crescent moon with an eye on it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bill shook his brother by his shoulders, who blinked and turned to Bill. "What?"

"The line's moving." Bill said.

Will's eyes widened in shock as he moved quick with his brother to not end up behind. Bill immediately let out an amazed sound as the twins walked inside of the tent. He glanced at a man that collected tickets from people as they moved through the door, Bill gave his brother a weak elbow on the arm, Will turned to Bill. "See that man?"

"Yes, I do?" Will answered, concerned about what his brother might say next.

"His head is funny." Bill chuckled a bit after saying.

"Bill! Stop bullying people you don't know!" Will scolded.

"Yeesh, okay bro, just playing." Bill said, raising his hands to the sides of his head.

Didn't take too long for it to be their turn, Bill handed Bud the two tickets he purchased earlier, then he grabbed his brother's wrist and ran inside with him.

"Woah! Bill! Slow down!" Will said.

"We need to find good seats! C'mon!" Bill said, still dragging his brother by his wrist.

Will sighed and let Bill pull him to wherever he wanted. He took that time to look around at the showroom, it was shadowy, the curved and protruding designs on the walls made it seem small and enclosed, making Will feel a bit claustrophobic at that, he held Bill's arm tightly, who glanced back at him.

"Don't worry, I'll find a seat soon." Bill said, Will nodded in response.

His eyes turned to the stage, a white marble platform, at the back wall was painted a large crescent moon with an eye symbol, giving him once again flashbacks. He saw a boy and a girl at the stage, the girl had a showy orange dress and the boy wore a yellow suit, the boy didn't seem happy, and the girl was neutral, like she had no emotion in her heart.

Will put a hand on his head and made sure to not groan, he didn't want to worry his brother or to call anyone's attention. "Found one!" Bill exclaimed.

Bill sat down in one of the seats he pointed to, Will sat down next to him, the view was good, it was like he knew the right spot to sit.

Bill's eyes turned to the stage, seeing the crescent moon and having a quick image appear on his head.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A blonde girl with a bouffant and a purple dress with black stripes and moons drawn on the skirt performing on stage with a wooden platform, she hid her irritation quite well, but kept glaring at a pair of brown-haired twins in the audience.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bill looked away almost immediately, knowing that looking at it would just make his head ache, and he didn't want that to happen that night.

"Bill, I don't like this place. . ." Will mumbled.

"C'mon, Will, cheer up!" Bill said. Will looked away, Bill put an arm around his shoulders. "Tonight's gonna be a fun night, I guarantee you."

"I hope it's not like those shows who the performer calls someone from the audience to perform with them. . ." Will said.

"If it is, it would be really cool!" Bill said.

"For you, maybe." Will said.

"Look at the bright side, we're far from the ones they'll choose." Bill said.

"Are we?" Will asked.

"They always choose someone on the front, the middle or a bit in the back, we're in the extreme back!" Bill said. "There's no way we're being chosen."

"I hope you're right." Will mumbled.

Fifteen minutes passed, the crowd was finally settled and chatter filled the showroom, Will pulled out his phone and started looking through his downloaded books, Bill decided to bother everyone around him and not shut up for a good while.

The back doors closed, sending a shiver down Will's spine as he almost dropped the phone, Bill held his laughter, Will just glanced at him with an annoyed and embarrassed look. The last members of the audience had found their seats, Bill sat back on his chair and crossed his legs, putting his arms crossed behind his head, Will put his phone on his pocket and fixed the white and blue beanie on his head.

"Do you think the show will start soon?" Will asked.

"I'm sure it will." Bill said.

". . .I'm a bit worried." Will confessed. "What if the performer is. . ." he paused, getting a bit anxious. "A guardian?"

"C'mon, they won't do anything with a crowd looking, would they?" Bill said. "They don't attack us, we don't attack them, simple."

Will took a deep breath. "Yeah. . . you're right." he said. "Let's mind our business and they mind theirs."

"That's how we talk!" Bill said, elbowing Will weakly.

The lights went out and Will squeaked a bit, Bill let out a soft chuckle, Will crossed his arms and glanced at the stage.

It's showtime.

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