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It's ....soobin . I peak up call.
Y/n : hey soobin-ah how are you ?

Soobin : seriously we just talk on video call yesterday and you are saying like you never saw me from months

Y/n : yah whatever say what happened?

Soobin : how you know that I have something to tell you

Y/n : soobin-ah I know after all we are childhood friend I know your every move now tell me what happend ?

Soobin : so Y/n as you know according to tomorrow's meeting you have to go to go to Seoul and protect MAFIA KING'S SONS so today is your flight at night I will send you tickets and more informations ok..

Y/n : ohh ok finally we can meet now..

Soobin : yes

Y/n : ok now let me pack my stuff

oobin : ok bye

Y/n : bye soobin-ah

*call end*

I put phone in my pocket and look at my family they were doing their work I clear my throat and said

Y/n : guys I have to go my brack is finish I have to go back Seoul and tonight is my flight

Sohyun : why noona so fast ?

Y/n : I have work dumbo you know my work right ?

Dad : but we want to spent more time with you

Mom : yes sweetie

Y/n : yah guys I will come soon don't worry

Dad : ok I will come to drop you to airport

Y/n : dad you know you can't my work ..

Mom : aish your work

I giggles
Y/n : mom dad and dumbo don't worry I will come fast ok

All : ok you say so

Y/n : ok now I have to pack my stuff after all tonight is flight

All nodded and I went to my room and take out my luggage it is not that big I open my closet and start packing my things and my weapon etc..

*after sometimes*

Aish! I am done let's see soobin's message I open my phone and see soobin's message let's see

Name : Kim won shink
Family : wife and 7 sons
Position : mafia king
About : ----- ( you will get to know guys soon )

Ohh it's interesting it's gonna be fun a bright smrik appear on my face I send thank you to soobin and go to downstairs and sit on couch and start scrolling again right I don't have anywork since i am on break from work so

*after sometimes*

It's 5:00 PM now I sould get ready since flight is at 8:00 PM I get up and go to my room and go straight to bathroom and take little bath and wear my clothes...

As I am ready take my luggage and go downstairs and go out and put luggage in my car and go in home and go to my room and take my car key and go downstairs and said

Y/n : mom dad dumbo it's time to go

Sohyun come from room dad come from his cabin and mom come from kitchen

Sohyun : noona take this..

He said while give me my fav chocolate

Sohyun : I eat your chocolate last night so..😅😅

Well all make "done" face

Dad : Y/n take this necklace when you miss us just look at this and say our name we will not come to you but you can call us 😂😂

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