normal day

431 17 2


I was focusing on class and writing notes I look at yoongi who is sleeping peacefully wow I turn and look at Y/n who was also sleeping peacefully how can they sleep if teacher will see them they will be so dead

Prof. : seokjin what are you looking at

Jin : n-nothing mam

Prof. Come towards me to cheak my book that I was writing or not but as mam come she saw that yoongi and Y/n was sleeping so she shouted at them


They both wake up rubbing their eyes shamelessly oh god they are so dead

Prof. : may i know why are you sleeping in my class yoongi and Y/n

Y/n : because we were sleepy

She said with attitude is she mad or what

Prof. : if your tongue talk this much so your hands would be work like that right

Y/n : ofc my hands work more then my tongue

Prof. : okay so ans that question on board go and solve it

Y/n : okay

She said and went to board and start solving that but suprisingly she solve it in very short time how?? Oh shit I forget she had learned this already ( you know guys she have this ddegrees already)

Prof. Look shock as well as class too

Y/n : is it okay

Prof. Don't want but nodded slowly I know teacher is embarrassed Y/n come and sit on her seat I and suga look at her shockly she look at us and wink and again put her head on desk and sleep

I look at yoongi he have same expression

Suga : whatever she do she save me from destination

Jin : yea yea she is really savage

I said and rolled my eyes at him he often sleeps in class and got destination I told him thousand times but who is gonna hear me

I pay attention on class same goes to yoongi

Jimin POV

We were focusing and laughing Jackson seems nice guy he is friendly with us and we became friends already

Namjoon POV

Me Jack and hobi were here studying and write notes in our book Jack seems nice guy he is already our friend and he is sitting between me and hobi we were happy that on the first day he got friends I will ask him to come with us and eat with us


I wake up becuse of bell ringing I yawn and pack my books and walk over suga and jin

Y/n : hey how was the class??

Jin : yah you really slept in class why??

Y/n : I was so sleepy and now I am hungry so let's go

Suga : yea yeah let's go

We walk towards cafeteria and see rest were sitting on one table with Jack and Jackson I think they had already became friends

We went to them and sit with them

BTS : who is this

All said while pointing at Jack and Jackson

Jimin : this is Jackson our new friend he come today only

Hobi : and this is Jack he is also our new friend and he also come today only

Jack and Jackson look at me I nodded and they say

Jack : hello I am Jack nice to meet you

Jackson : hello I am Jackson and nice to meet you

Jack and Jackson look at each other and smrik what the fuck they are thinking

Jack : hey who is this beautiful girl

Gosh literally

V : you should cheak your eyes

Y/n : what the fuvk do you mean

V : nothing

Y/n : so I am Y/n

Jackson : beautiful name girl

He said and wink at me I glarce at him and he giggles

Jin : hey don't flirt with her

Jack + Jackson : okay okay sorry

Y/n : I will go and bring food hey you 2 donkey let's go with me

I said while pointing at Jack and Jackson

Y/n : guys what do you want to eat ??

Jin : noodles

Suga : cheese sandwich

Hobi : hamburger and Sprite

Jimin : pizza

V : French fries with pizza

Jk : rayman

Y/n : okay I will bring your food don't go anywhere stay here okay

They nodded and I go to counter to order food Jack and Jackson come and stand beside me

Y/n : you guys were too much huh and you were flirting me you know I am flirtest girl in group bts were there that's why you took advantage huh

Jack : it was fun but

Jackson : yeah it really was

They both said laughing

Y/n : huh whatever just do your work properly

Jack : yea yea we know we will do our work

Jackson : PROPERLY

He said while doing agyo I make done face and wait for food soon food come we took our order and walk towards bts's table and put food on table and sit on our seat

Jin : let's start

All : thank you for the meal

And we start eating laughing and joking around

While we were eating rm's phone rang he picked up call and talk with someone and end the call

Then my phone rang I pull out my phone from my pocket and saw caller ID it was what he want now I picked up the call


Y/n : hello ? : Y/n I have one mission for bts and I want you to go with them and be careful I don't want to hurt my sons ho with them and protect them I don't wanna saw a scratch on them got it

Y/n : yea yea I know my work I will go and protect them anything else?? : no

Y/n : okay bye bye

I said and cut the call

I look at namjoon and he nodded I smile and sing him to continue eating and we again start eating


We were roaming around the garden that's when bell rang and we wave our bye to each other and head to our classes


Sorry guys for ohooooo late update I try my best to update soon sorry for late and thanks for reading book

Thank you 💜💜

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