new students

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On way of school/university I got call from Jack I pick up the call


Y/n : hello

Jack : Hi good morning Y/n

Y/n : good morning

Jack : where are you ??

Y/n : on the way of university are you ready ??

Jack : ofc I am always ready

Y/n : and him??

Jack : he is also ready

Y/n : okay call you back bye

Jack : okay bye bye

End call

Jk : who was that ??

Y/n : my friend

Jk : ohhhhh

Y/n : so guys I will be in jin and suga's class becuse I am 22 years old so I only can manage to go in jin and suga's class so others make sure you are safe and don't stick with girls I will watch on you 24 horse I don't want to stole your freedom just make sure you are safe

Bts : ok

Hobi+jin : you are like our mother and we are your sons who is obeying your order

They said and all of them laugh their ass out

Y/n : yah stop it I know I am older then you but not that much that you will call me mother

Y/n : driver stop car here

All stop laughing and look at me

Jin : look Y/n we were just kidding it's doesn't mean you just get out on half way

Y/n : hahaha jin I am left from mid way becuse i don't to be next victim of your fangirls

Makhne line scoffed

Suga : okay take care bye

I waved at them and go to university building's back side and saw Jack Jackson at their leading against wall busy in their phones I sometimes suspect that they have girlfriend but I know if they have they will tell me first so...

I went to them and said

Y/n : hey guys hello

They look up at me and smile and put their phone in their pocket and give me high five

Y/n : so guys are you ready I know you have degrees but you have to look after the boys Jack you will look after hobi and rm and Jackson you will look after makhneline

They nodded

Jackson : I remember our school days we used to be badboy and badgirl team

Jack : and the famous of school

Y/n : I miss that days now let's go best of luck love ya (ofc as friend)

I said with smile I love those days I snapped out and waved to Jack and Jackson and go to school/university gate as soon as bts walk to gate all girls around start shouting like an idiot they are really famous

At our days we were famous but not that much bts just ignore them and go to their class after they enter their class i go to principle office and got my schedule

Well you must be thinking how I get here when I have all degrees so let me tell you the principle is my father's friend the principle is from the country where my family live

I walk out of office and meet Jack and Jackson they smile at me I smiled back and sing them to go and get schedule I had ask principle for Jack and Jackson

I go to my class room and saw professor was standing their I smile at him and tell him that I am new student he tell to go with him so I obey him and follow him and stand infront of class


Me and suga was talking with each other when professor come with Y/n following him all in class start to whispering each other professor go a d sit on his sit and tell Y/n to introduce her self Y/n nodded and start to introduce her self

Y/n : hello I am Lee Y/n don't mess with me stay away from me if you don't wanna die thank you

She smiled in attitude I am impressed by her attitude

Professor : anyone have questions ???

Two boy raised their hands professor sing them to ask questions

Boi 1 : Y/n are you single ?

Y/n : well I don't want to give your rubbish question's answer

Boi 2 : why you come in middle semester??

Y/n : well none of your business but still I am transferred here for my parents business

Boi 2 : uh okay

Boi 1 : professor why are you not saying anything to Y/n she is talking in attitude and you are saying nothing

Prof. : why should I she is right why are questions her rubbish Y/n you can sit where ever you want

Y/n needed and she walk to us and sit between me and suga and gave us a smile we smiled back and prof. Start lesson and we focused on lecture

Hobi POV

Me and namjoon enter in class room and sit on our sit and start talking all the girls keep asking us for our phone number and date uhh so annoying then prof. Come with one new guy behind him

Prof. : pls introduce your self

??? : hello I am Jack don't mess with me or annoy me

Prof. : anyone have questions

Many girls raised their hands Jack sigh and said

Jack : yes I am single but I don't want any annoying partner like you and I am not interested into you and I am transferred here becuse for my parents business

All girls put their hand down all want to know he is single wow sluts

Prof. : Jack you can sit wherever you want

He nodded and come to us and sit beside me and smiled at me and namjoon we smiled back and start focusing on lecture

Makhne line POV

We were talking with each other then prof. Come and start teaching he writes some points on board while he was writing someone come in class and hardly open the door causing it to creak loud sound prof. Look at him and ask

Prof : are you new student ??

??? : yes

Prof : why are you late ?

She said and raised her eyebrow

??? : I was finding principle office

Prof. : okay introduce your self

He nodded and said

??? : hello I am Jackson transferred here becuse my parents business

Prof. : so anyone have que--

Jackson : sir I am not done yet

Prof. : uh okay continue

Jackson : I am still single but I am not interested in any of you so don't annoy me if you want to ask anything expate this ask me

No one raised their hand

Jackson : okay bye

He said and straight walk to us and sit behind us and give a small smile we smiled back and prof. Start teaching

Hey guys how are you hope doing well and I hope you liked my story thanks for reading 💜💜

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