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*Y/n POV*
On holiday

Today is holiday means no school I am so done with that school shit again and again

I was roaming around the garden after breakfast there I found hobi he was watering plants

I smrik as one amazing idea appear in my brain I slowly go close to him as he was back facing me and


He got scared and start to throw water on me

Y/n : hobi stop it's me

I said try to stop water which is coming on my face and he didn't heared me he was too busy to scream


Then water stop i look and saw jin turn off the water

Jin : care to explain

He said and all expats me and hobi fold their hand on their chest and look at us

Y/n : I was roaming around I saw him watering the plants so I though to scare him but it turn out wrong decision ever

Hobi : i though it's ghost so i splashed water on her

Y/n : you don't know ghost never saw up on day it comes on night

Hobi : uh I was too scared to think that

Rm : Y/n go and change or you would catch cold

Jin : yes

I nodded and went away after shooting a glarce to hobi

Time skip

It was afternoon and i don't have to do anything I am boared I was just laying on my bad and scrolling my phone

I get up from my bed and went downstaris while i was going downstaris I saw bts all members were sitting on couch and doing their work

They were laughing and enjoying with themselves they looks so happy i feel sad for them i sadly smile at them

Y/n : don't worry guys I will never let someone harm you . You are 7 precious gems and I will protect that gems

??? : are you sure ??

Someone said in my ear I turn around and saw ??? I was little bit shocked seeing his creepy smirk

Time skip

It was night time and I was thinking about what he said I am little bit scared he can do anything to anyone

I take my phone from night stand and call someone

Y/n : hello minho arrange a conference meeting on video call

Minho : wo wo clam down what happend

Y/n : I will tell you later after 15 min start conference and take everyone on conference ok ??

Minho : fine bye~

Y/n : bye~

If you wanna play game then let's show you how it played


Hey guys sorry for really late updates

Story is going to end soon and my new story will start after this end hope you will like my story and this on too

Thank you so much for supporting

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