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Next morning


I wake up by sunshine hit my face I starched my arms and i look in watch it's 6:30 am so i get up from bed and go to bathroom and wash my face and go to gym room and start work out

*after sometimes*

As I was done I go back to my room and about to go to my closet my phone ring I saw caller ID and it's hyunjun I pick up the call...


Hyunjun : Y/N-ahh how are you ?

Y/n : aish! My ears why are you shouting in morning

Hyunjun : eh sorry I was excited to talk to you

Y/n : don't worry we will meet today I am coming to office don't worry

Hyunjun : Y/n I hope you remember today you have to meet that so called mafia king you have to protect his sons

Y/n : yeah I know I have to meet him today uh what was time ??

I can say he facepalm
Hyunjun : yah you forget it's on afternoon 2:00pm

Y/n : ohh ok now let me be ready first I have to take my Fake information files and then go to him I don't have time bye .

Hyunjun : ok bye

*End OTP*

As I hang up call i go to closet and take my clothes and go to bathrooms and take bath and wear my clothes...

And go downstairs and took my car keys and go outside and close the door and sit in my car and drove away to our place

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And go downstairs and took my car keys and go outside and close the door and sit in my car and drove away to our place . On mid way I call Yeonjun...

After some rings he pick up the call


Yeonjun : hey Y/n are you coming ?

Y/n : yes I am on the way

Yeonjun : ohh okay

Y/n : is flies are ready ?

Yeonjun : yes

Y/n : great ok I hang up now I am about to arrive

Yeonjun : ohh ok

I hangup the call. After sometimes I arrive at company I went in and everyone look at me with shock expression but soon bow to me I just nod and went to my cabin with cold face I call my secretary minho . After sometimes I heard knock on door I said "come in" and minho come in and bow I just nod . He said

Minho : welcome back mam

Y/n : thanks minho and announce everywhere that I am back *smrik*

Minho gulped

Minho : your smrik is so creepy I wonder why i am not in hospital

He joked and i laughed at his joke but it's truth
Y/n : don't joke around and go and yes call Other to come in my cabin.

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