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I go to living room and saw all of them half sleep jin was sitting on couch head was resting on his hand and his elbow is resting on hand stand rm was their with energy idk how he get that much energy at morning suga was leading against the wall and closed eyes but I know he is not sleeping hobi is in energy Same as rm wow!!! Jimin v and jk was sitting on couch jimin's head is resting on v's shoulder and v's head was resting on jk's shoulder wow I wanna wake them up

Y/n : guys let's go to jogging

They all look at me with sleepy look

Y/n : what don't look at me like that I have to do this becuse I wanna make you fit and as you know you have to wake up in nearly morning if you wanna be diet free just let's go it will be fun

I said as I went to them and make them stand up and go out of home

We went to near by park for jogging they can't jog too much on first day so I didn't take them too far

As we were jogging makhne line was keep stopping

Y/n : yah guys jog don't you have energy and early morning look at hyung line they are doing so well

Hyyng line look at me with proud smile I smiled back

Makhne line : but we are tired

I sigh I know they are it's better to go home

Y/n : but just wait and sit ...

I look around and saw a beanch under the tress

Y/n : go and sit their you must be tired

They all nodded and go where I said and sit their and I give them energy drink that I prepare at morning they all look at me

Hobi : how you get that their is no shop to buy this drink

Y/n : I take it from home I made for you guys

I smile sweetly and they all smile brightly

Bts : thanks you so much

They said in unison

Y/n : ok drink it then we will go to home don't forget you have to go to school/university I hope your legs are not panting right

I ask them hoping they will say no cause I don't them to get hurt becuse of me

Jin : no we are not tired right guys ??

They all nodded and smile I smile back after sitting their for some minutes and then again start walking back to home while talking

Y/n : so guys study well I don't want you to get low Marks in exam and make sure you guys are healthy and don't get hurt I will be with you for 24 hours

I was saying that while glaring at makhne line becuse they are messing and playing around with each other I am worried that one of them will fall and get hurt I really don't trust people but God know what gotten into me my heart and brain say just trust them so I am already so close to them

Y/n : yah guys stop or you will fal-

I was cut by jimin who fall on ground I panicked and run towards him with worried face and make him sit on floor and look at his knee

Y/n : jimin are you alright did you get hurt any other did it is paning ??

I ask while worried writes all over on my face

Jimin : woah woah Y/n-ahh don't worry I am okay it's just a little scratch I will put banded

I sigh in relief and turn back meet with burning or would I say jealousy eyes

BTS POV expect jimin

As jimin fall before we can go Y/n rushed to him and make him sit on ground and cheak him and ask him so much questions we don't get that much panicked as we know without falling for once jimin can't live but Y/n didn't know that that's why she is so worried but we are jealous at same time becuse she was caring for him we know she care about us too but it's his turn we all wish that instead of jimin we fall so she will take care of us

After doing her caring sessions she turn around meet  with our jealousy eyes

Jimin POV

Yah I again fall while walking I can't understand why ground love me so much I know I am handsome but why ground!!! As I fall Y/n come to me while rushing and make me sit and start to cheak on me to make sure I am not that much hurt and ask me hundred of questions I look at her with surprise face the way she is worried for me is like jin hyung when I get hurt hyung got worried for me like that and ask me so many questions I love the way they are worried for me not only jin hyung but all my brothers they love me and ofc I love them too I snapped out when Y/n sigh in relief knowing I am alright just my knee get hurt as we turn around we meet with burning and jealousy eyes omo they are really jealous I give them my world famous smrik and they just look at me pouting


I giggles when they pout in jealousy

Y/n : so let's go home don't pout like that and jimin will you be able to walk or you want a piggy back ride

I look at him he look at his brothers and smrik and look at me and open his arms widely singling me to carry him in piggy bank ride I stand up and back face him he jump on my back and make a round with his hand around my neck and his legs on my waist to make sure he wasn't fall I look at bts a d their eyes are burning they are looking jealous hahaha so cute

Y/n : guys let's go you have to go to school/university too..

Bts : yeah

Jk : Y/n-ahh let me carry him you will be tired

Y/n : no you will get tired

Jk : no I will not pls let me

Jimin : n-no pls Y/n you can carry me right

He looks scared from jk's smrik or I wanna say eveil smrik which he is giving to jimin

Y/n : kookie you will get tired let me do it

Jk : okay

He saw me his bunny smile I know he like his new nickname

We walk for a while and we arrive at Kim mansion guards open the main door and we goes to living room and saw.....


I am so sorry for late update I will update next part ASAP

Thank you for reading my book 😊😊😁😁

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