scolded but don't care

496 18 10


We come in living room and saw was sitting on cough busy in his phone when we enter in room he look up at us and see me carrying jimin on my back he doesn't look worried I put jimin on cough and look at his wound and give me an angry look : WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS Y/N I HIRE YOU TO PROTECT THEM NOT TO HURT THEM TODAY WAS YOUR FIRST DAY ON YOUR BODYGUARD JOB AND ON YOUR FIREST DAY YOU HURT THEM HOW THE FUC--

he cut of by jin who looks angry too but controlling it and me ?? No I am not angry at all I know my job and I know how to do it and I don't give a shit to this old man I don't care what is he saying..

Jin : dad it's not her fault you know jimin always fall and he can't live without falling for once in day so why are you scolding her huh ??

Okey I take good decision to trust them : huh ?? Now you are defending this girl and fight with me for this fucking girl huh ?? Don't you have respecte for your father

Jin was going to say something but I secretly sing him to don't say anything and say sorry but he refused to say sorry I glarce at him and he sigh and slowly nodded

Jin : I am sorry dad : it's okay but from now on don't say anything to me and you stupid bodyguard if again I see a scratch ok my sons I will kill you huh

He walk away while mumbling like that "huh bi**h"

And how lucky I am bts heared that and after hearing that they all look at me and angrily go upstaris and slam their door which I can hear from down stairs

I look at jimin who was sitting on couch looking down oh my I know what happend to him..

I go to him and bent down on his level and left up his chin and make him look at me

Jimin : I am sorry it's becuse of me

He said while looking guilty

Y/n : don't worry it's not becuse of you well leave it we have to go to school too right let's go and don't worry I don't mind him I am not a little bit sad okay now smile

He look at me and saw me his eye smile I smile too and stand up ready to take him in bridle style but he held my hand I look at him

Jimin : I can walk I just want to jealousy my brothers

Y/n : I knew it okay do you want my help to go up stairs?

Jimin : no it's a little scratch and u know mafias does not effect it

Y/n : ofc okay I go upstaris and change okay you go and change too we have to go

Jimin : okay

I nodded and start to walk upstaris at the half stairs I felt two arms around my neck like someone was back hugging me i touch that hand and by touching his hand I know he is jimin

Y/n : what happend is something bothering you ??

Jimin : are you okay did dad's words hurt you ?

He ask me in soft tone he is worried for me I am happy they are make me feel like sohyun I miss him I miss my family

I turn around and hug him back

Y/n : no jimin-ahh I am not sad don't worry okay and go don't you wanna go school hm??

Jimin : I wanna ask you something ?

Y/n : what is it??

We broke hug and I look at him he is.....smriking?? I gulped what's wrong in his mind

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