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The moon was shinning on sky giving beautiful look to city cold wind was bellowing and half city was sleeping it was silent

And here the dark room with 9 people tied on chair in a row bodyguards were keeping there eyes on them


We all were talking as we were not able to sleep in this state our back was hurting like hell but we still was talking and cracking jokes

We stopped talking when we saw door open again and ??? Walk in

??? : hey nice to meet you again

Suga : stop this shit and untie us

??? : are you thinking me as a fool or what ?

Hobi : we don't think when you are actually fool

We laughed

??? : laugh as much as you want because this is your last moment

We were staring at him with bored expression

??? : any last wish ??

He said while loading his gun

All : rest in peace

??? : ofc you all will rest in peace

V : we are talking about you actually

??? : huh? Oh do you think that you can take me down ??

Jin : easily

??? : funny

Mr.kim : why the hell you are doing this

??? : yeah let me tell you whole mess

??? : so as you know me the great won-seok twin brother of kim won shink

He look at me and come towards me

Won-seok : you know what the bad Mr.kim you show previous days was not him

He said while pointing at Mr.kim

( this sounds confused?? Don't worry I am here I will write bts's father as Mr.kim and his twin brother as won-seok )

Won-seok : it was me

Y/n : huh and you thing I don't know that ??

Won-seok : huh??

Y/n : tsk tsk tsk you was living in half truth

Jin : how fool

Won-seok : what do you mean??

Now he looks angry and confused angry at our action and confused at what the shit we are saying

Won-seok : say it clearly

Suga : sure dear

Y/n : let's give this work to His dear brother Mr.kim

Mr.kim look at me

I sing him to spill the tea

Mr.kim : as your wish

He look won-seok

Mr.kim : so my dear brother what do you think only you are smart and only you can act ??

Mr.kim said while smriking while won-seok titled his head in confusion

Mr.kim : so when you throw a note that you are beginning a war Y/n ran to my office in anger and threatened me

He looks at me for a moment and I send him an apology smile he smiled a little as it's ok and again look at won-seok

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