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as I go in we saw was sitting on his chair doing paper work

He look up and death glarce at bts as he can't see me I am behind rm : I told you don't disturb me when I am working

As he said I came out with death glarce with poker and cold face he raised his eyebrow

Jin : d-dad Y/n wanna go out so she can?? : why ?? She didn't even join this job and wanna go out ??

Y/n : I will be back before 10:00 so don't worry : no you are not going that's final

Rm : but- glarce at him I Sigh this man is so stubborn

Hobi was going to say something but I drag all of them out of cabin

Jimin : why you drag us here

Tea : yes we will try to convince him

Jk : I am going

He was going to open's cabin's door but I held his hand and say

Y/n : let me talk with him then you will go okay

He nodded and I went in his cabin : what now

Y/n : I am going out and I am not asking I am telling you : why ?? you have to obey my all order so you are not going

Y/n : I am their bodyguard form tomorrow not today so I can do whatever I want and I will obey your so called order from tomorrow : huh do whatever you want but from tommorow you are in my control

He said with smrik I mentally smrik and nodded and go out

Suga : so you got permission ??

Y/n : yes becuse of you guys he said you tell that's why he let me go

Hobi : yes

I smiled at them

Y/n : okay guys you all go in your room and do whatever you want I will make your schedule for tommorow

Bts : ok

They all go away and i go in my room and call kai (huening kai) after some rings he pick up the call

Kai : hello Y/n

Y/n : hello kai hey arrange party at your mansion and call all our members I am coming to meet you all let's party~~

Kai : what really I am going to call them

Y/n : and don't worry about food I had ordered food just call everyone and tell them to come at your mansion

Kai : okay

He hang up the call and I start order food I lied to him because party is from me and if he order food he will paid bill so now let me order

After sometimes I ordered all food and I get up from my bed and went to bathroom and take little bath and wear this....

 And took my mask , glasses and cap and my bike key I went out of my room and go to living room and saw all members are sitting on couch and doing their homework I smile seeing them all doing their work together I don't wanna disturbe them so I we...

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And took my mask , glasses and cap and my bike key I went out of my room and go to living room and saw all members are sitting on couch and doing their homework I smile seeing them all doing their work together I don't wanna disturbe them so I went to main door and was about to open it but come from nowhere and ask me : Y/n where are you going ??

I turn around to face her and saw all members looking at me

Y/n : mam I am going to my friends home : ohh okok and don't be formal with me if you want you can just call me or whatever you want but don't call me mam

I smile and nodded she is so sweet I look at bts and they are still looking at me and like lost puppy

Y/n : what are you guys looking at just start your homework and finish it after that eat dinner and sleep and yes sleep early I am giving that responsibility to you make them sleep early

I said strictly they nodded and again start doing their homework I wave at she nodded and smile I go out of house and wear my mask glasses and cap and went to garage and took my bike and drove to TXT house

*after sometimes*

After driving for 30 min I reached to their mansion I park my bike at garage I saw so many bike. my gang is here I smrik and went to main door i knock the door but i can hear everyone is bickering so they can't hear my knock I Sigh and ring the bell.........


Hey guys how are you I know that this chapter is small but I had no time my homework is incomplete so I have to do that otherwise my mam will scold me 🙄🙄 so I will update next part ASAP thanks for reading my story and comment down how is story till then byeeeeeeee💜💜😊😊

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