wake up

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I wake up by that stupid alarm clock I just off alarm and again going to sleep but I remember that I have to go for jogging with bts ahh I stand up from my bed and went into bathroom and do my morning routine by the way the times is 5:00 am now so after doing my morning routine

I saw the time it's 5:15 am I go out of my room and made my way to kitchen and made energy drinks for all of us and lemon juice it's not big deal I made it in 15 minutes so now time is 5:30 so I put drinks in one small bag and went upstaris to wake them up

i go to jin's room 1st I knock on the door and open door and go in I know he is sleeping and ofc he is it's very early morning I go to him and say

Y/n : jiniee wake up yah wake up yahh wake up you lazy ass

Jin : yah Y/n what happend why are you waking me up in this morning ??

He said in sleepy tone I admit he is so cuteee a smile appear on my face then said

Y/n : wake up and go fresh up we are going out for jogging

Jin : WHY ---

I cover his mouth with my plams he look at me

Y/n : yah you crazy all are sleeping wanna wake them up ??

I take off my hand

Jin : sorry but why it's so early morning~~

He whined like 5 years old kid and I found it sooooo muchh cuteee I pinch his cheek and go to door and said

Y/n : fresh up and meet me at living room I am going to wake others up

And I go out of his room and now is rm I go in his room and shake him

Y/n : yahh joonie wake up we are going to jogging

Rm : yah it's so early morning

Y/n : I know but we are going on jogging it's for your good

Rm : ok

He get up from his bed and went in bathroom I know he like nature so wake him up is not big deal it will be fun for him

I go out of his room and went to yoongi's room

I go to him and shake him

Y/n : yahh yoongiahh wake up


I cover his mouth oh God he is really scary and angry I should not wake him up but I have to that's why I tell them to sleep early at night I take my hand off when he is awake and clam

Y/n : yah why are you shouting let's go we are going to jogging

Suga : what why let me sleep I love my sleep I am not coming

He whisper yell and again laid down on bed

Y/n : yah wake up I am telling you last time

But he is still sleeping so I go to bathroom and take one glass of water and pour it on his face

Y/n : meet me at living room or you will dead today..

He just get up from his bed and went to bathroom with pouty face he is cute

Now j hope I went in his room and saw he is sleeping while hugging pillow I smile and go to him and shake him

Y/n : hobi wake up we are going to jogging

Hobi : yah it's so early Y/n pls let me sleep

Y/n : no we are going on jogging and you are coming now go and fresh up and meet me at living room

Hobi : uhh okay

He whined I go out of his room now makhne line oh God it will be so hard to wake them up i go to jimin's room and go to him and shake him

Y/n : jiminah wake up

But he is sleeping like buffalo I sigh and go to his bathroom and took one glass of water and pour it on him

He just sat up on bed while rubbing his eyes he is looking scared hehe who don't be when you are sleeping and someone pour water on you so what you expats from them

Y/n : fresh up and come to living room we are going on jogging

Jimin : why~~

Y/n : for your health now get up and meet me at living room

Before he can speak I go out of room and go to teahyung's room I open the door and go to him

Y/n : yah wake up v we are going on jogging

I said while shaking him but he pull his blanket on his head and again sleep I again go to bathroom and take one glass of water and pour it on him he set up on bed

V : yah let me sleep

Y/n : we are going to jogging so wake up and fresh up

V : no I am not coming you can go

Y/n : I am telling you last time wake up

He is still sleeping so I don't have other way I pull out his blanket and drag him to bathroom and on the shower and let him wet in shower

Y/n : I hope you are awake now so fresh up

I go out of bathroom and then his room and go to jk's room

I open the door and go to him

Y/n : jk wake up we are going on jogging

Jk : Y/nah let me sleep pls

He again sleep fine I just push him causing him to fall from bed

Jk : ouch my back ahh

Y/n : go and fresh up we are going on jogging

He nodded I just stand their while looking at him who is rubbing his back

Jk : what now get out of room I wanna fresh up

Y/n : why you can fresh up I am here

I smrik

Jk : yah you dirty minded go out

He get up and push me out of his room while me laughing very hard he is red as tomato shy shy shy

After laughing for 1 min I go to kitchen and take a bag which is filled with drinks and go to living room and saw...


Hey guys here new update I hope you like my story

Thanks for reading 💜💜

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