mother love

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he turn me around I saw that boss was going to shot so I quickly turn namjoon around and took my gun from my pocket and shot the boss and also shot too I push namjoon he held my hand to drag me with him but bullet was fast enough to hurt...


The bullet was fast enough to hurt my arm I step back becuse of force of bullet my arm start to bleeding rm run to me

Rm : Y/n!!! Are you ok?

Y/n : ofc are you ok ? Is you shoulder hurting ??

Rm : no. Y/n learn to be selfish you got shot and you are caring about me ??

Y/n : it's my duty rm and I didn't do my duty well see you got injured

Rm : *rolls eyes* you are talking like professional

Y/n : yah I am elder then you respect me

I said and silently hit his shoulder

Rm : respect my foot let's go now

Y/n : OMG my heartue~~

Rm : huh dramatic ass let's go

I nodded and we start to walk then I suddenly remember something

Y/n : hey we have earpieces right we can talk to them

Rm : uh yeah I forget it

Y/n : me too shit

Rm+jin(on earpiece) : don't curse young lady

Y/n : yeah yeah whatever you are talking like you are elder then me

Jin : what can we do if you don't have manners

Y/n : shut up and where are others??

Jin : they are here sitting and enjoying the drama

Suga : well we heared you drama it's really good congratulations you success to make us entertain Y/n I don't know you would be that dramatic

Jimin : yes we already know that Joon hyung is dramatic a--

Rm : shut up you --

Y/n+jin : don't curse young boy

Like that we reached to the car with winning joon

Y/n+suga : let's go to home I wanna sleep

Jk : yeah yeah let's go

Hobi : well jk did you activate that ?

Jk : yes

Hobi : then let's go

We seat on car and drove to mansion after 5 min we heared blast sound we smrik at each other even driver srivers we high fives each other

After some times we reach to kim mansion we enter in house like zombie as soon as we went in living room we jump on couch

We heared a sound from kitchen I get alert and stood up while pointing gun at kitchen direction come from kitchen I lower my gun

Jin : aish mom how much time we have to tell you don't stay awake for us for this long : and you think when my soul is out in danger how can I sleep peacefully??

Jin : but it's not good for your health : whatever

Y/n : well jin your mom is saying right

I said and walk to kitchen and bring first aid kit and put it on table of living room and sit on couch

Y/n : buddy help me

I said looking at she smile widely and nodded

We start to treating their wounds after finishing I said

Y/n : thank god you are not that much injured : you little girl come here let me treat your wound too

Y/n : nah I will do it my self you go and sleep you must be tired after handling this creakheads

Jk : yahh--

Y/n : AHHH!! twisted my ear and made me sit on couch

Y/n : buddy buddy leave me it's hurting : woah it's hurting and your wound didn't hurt you huh now seat here silently or I will ask namjoon to shave your eyebrows

It sounded funny but when I imagine my self without eyebrows I immediately nodded start to treating my wound i feel motherly love she is like my mother

After treating my wound he goes to kitchen

Y/n : your mother is so sweet

Jin : we know right come from kitchen with the tray of milk glasses : well drink this

Y/n : thanks

Bts : thank youuuuuuuu : ok I am going to sleep you also after drinking this sleep ok??

We nodded and went to sleep we also after drinking milk go to our rooms and chang into comfortable clothes and sleep.....


Hey hello how are you i hope you are doing well (sound like professional)

So thank you guys reading my story

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