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*Y/n POV*

It's been long time and i didn't get any response from bts they never talk about that I don't force them I think they should take time

I was just sitting my desk drawing some cartoons that's when something came from my window it was gonna hit me but I dodged it and it hit the wall and my favourite painting broke

My painting 😭😭

Anyways I go to that thing and saw there was one paper ball and rock inside paper I pick it up and see there was written a latter

I open the latter and start to read it

Dear Y/n

                The time had come the thing had started years ago is time to finish the war...
I am coming wait for me

  Your not so favourite

What the actual fuck he is really going to do anything dangerous I am scared he might hurt someone I have to take action now

I run out my room to Mr.kim cabin

I brushed into his room without knocking

Mr.kim : don't y--

Y/n : what the fuck is your problem you had destroyed anything what you want now remember I will not let you do anything not this time

Mr.kim : b-

I get out of room after giving him warning

Somewhere in world

??? : how is it going??

??? 2 : going well by plan sir

??? : good you can go

??? 2 got out of room and ??? Took his wine glass from table and start drinking it

??? : you know what I was too fool to spare you but not this time I am not going to be fool this time be ready death is near my darling


Y/n was sitting infront of laptop screen and talking with her gang

Y/n : guys what should we do now??

Jeenie : let's attack

Jisoo : yea

Beomgyu : no I don't think we should attack

Soobin : Y/n take help from banghtan

Rose : yeah he is right

Lisa : first time you had said something useful

Teahyun : absolutely right

Kai : yeah

Yeonjun : ok Y/n you talk to banghtan

Jack : and tell us what they say

Jackson : till then I'll look after security

Minho : inform me

Y/n : yeah now let me sleep bye

All : bye~

I ended the call and got up from bed and went to balcony and call someone


I was going to call Y/n to play with us at gaming room I entered in room as saw she was standing in balcony I went to her and going to say something but stopped after hearing it..

Y/n : I love you and we'll meet soon don't worry take care of everyone bye~

Omg i knew it i knew it she had boyfriend ofc she is beautiful and talented who didn't want to be let me tell this hot news to banghtan boy

V : Y/n you didn't tell us that you had boyfriend why did you lied anyways I will tell anyone

Y/n was confused but after some minutes she winded her eyes

Y/n : tae it-

Before she can say anything tae run away to gaming room Y/n also followed him or should I say chase him

Y/n : tae stop let me explain it was misunderstanding

She said while running behind tae

V : do you think you can hide it now nah I got it

He said and open gaming room door

V : guys one hot news

Y/n also arrived

Y/n : yah this kid why did you run so fast

She said while breathing heavily

V : old woman

She shot a death glarce to v and he just looked away

V : guys Y/n have boyfriend

All : WHAT!!!

Y/n : yahh I told you i don't have boyfriend

V : then why did you say "I LoVe YoU AnD wE'lL mEeT sOoN dOn'T WorRy tAkE cArE Of EVERYone bYe~"

He said while mocking her

Y/n : oh god he was not my boyfriend it was sohyun my brother

V : w-what

Y/n : yes

All : TAEEEE!!!!

everyone start to chase him and like that today's chaos begins


Hey guys

Not so much interesting in this part but still hope you like it

Thank you for reading and supporting


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