shift at kim mansion

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As I enter I saw was sitting on couch I went to him and sit infront of him and cross my legs in stylist way he was shocked that he didn't even tell me to sit . Heh what he thinks I am not less then him a beautiful smrik appear on my face

Y/n : so call your sons i have to talk to them : yeah lia go and call them

He said and one girl go upstairs well when I meet new people I first get their information but in this case I have all's info bit not his sons becuse I was busy in work becuse ofc I was on break so I have so much work

After some minutes what seems to be sanctuary becuse this is so boring 7 boys come from upstairs ok I was shocked but didn't show it but really WTF!!!!!!!!!

They are that boys whom I meet at night at garden well I am happy that I didn't have to protect someone annoying or i could have kick their ass for sure but they are good people but same time I am pity on them....

They were looking shocked same as me I want to laugh but didn't becuse of they are looking so cute their face I can't control so I start talking

Y/n : hey guys hello again

I said with normal face as I don't want to be rude with them and I don't want to saw my soft side to so...

Rm : hey Y/n what are you doing here : you know her ??

Jin : yes dad we met her at garden last night when we were on mission : ohh it's good that you know each other

Jk : yeah but why she is here ?? : guys she is your new and private bodyguard

I can see they are shocked but at same time happy I am happy too

V : it is real Y/n??

I nodded and smile a little

They are so happy and jk was jumping like monkey becuse of happiness

I was happy to see them

Hobi : really Y/n I don't know you work as bodyguard that's why you are best at fighting

I nodded : ok guys I know you know each other but still I want you to introduce your self as professional

All nodded and start introducing their self

Jin : hello I am Kim seokjin and I am 21 years old and study in university at 3rd year and i am planner in underworld

Ok he is really professional he didn't even smile he is totally different then yesterday's night but it's interesting *smrik*

Suga : I am Kim yoongi and I am 21 years old and study in university at 3rd year same as jin hyung and I am hacker in underworld

I knew it he is hacker and he is same as jin opposite of yesterday

Hobi : Kim hoseok 20 years old study in university 2nd year and dealer at underworld

Ok he is scary and he is really very much serious i mean VERY MUCH I think I don't want to mess with him when he is on work it's not good for my life...

Rm : i am namjoon aka Rm in underworld i'm in 2nd year of university and i'm leader of the group

He said while smiling a little his aura was screaming professionalism...his everything was wonder they have best leader ever

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