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I was sitting on couch with kim family all were busy in their work I was also looking some files that jennie send me on phone

That's when my phone rang I look at caller ID and saw it was sohyun

Now ??

I picked up the call


Y/n : hey dumb

Sohyun : ....

Y/n : hello ??

Sohyun : ...

Y/n : sohyun are you there is it prank ?

Sohyun : ...

Hearing my worried voice all look at me

Y/n : sohyun I am asking last time

Sohyun : ...


I shouted and stand up kim family also stand up

Suddenly I heared a psycho laugh from other side

Y/n : who the fuck are you ??

??? : tsk tsk tsk see wild cat is jumping for her brother is this cat scared ??

Y/n : I was never scared from you bish

??? : really then you should be scared don't forget I have your brother

Y/n : shut up what do you want

??? : tsk you are so straight forward but whatever I want you and your friends kim family death

I laughed

Y/n : you are so funny do you think this will happend until I am alive

??? : then you'll die first

Y/n : let's see

??? : open challenge?

Y/n : yes

??? : let's see who'll win

Y/n : yes

??? : by the way your necklace is good

He cut the call

Oh so my necklace fall while fighting

Rm : what happened ?

Jin : is everything alright??

Suga : why were you worried??

Hobi : why did you shouted ??

Jimin : why did sohyun call??

V : is sohyun okay ??

Jk : does something happend to sohyun ?? : why are you quit say something : Y/n is it ?

I nodded

Y/n : yes : let's begin before it's too late

Y/n : yes first let me take a class of that man

I called Lucifer he is security manager of my house at Canada


Lucifer : hel-

Y/n : where the fuck were you when my brother get kidnapped don't you know how to do your job i warned you last time

Lucifer : I am sorry

Y/n : If anything happens to my brother I will shot all the bullets in your head understand ??

Lucifer : yes

Y/n : take care of mom dad

Lucifer : yes

I cut the call and look at bts

Jin : you cursed a lot today

Y/n : I can't control my anger : don't you wanna save your brother ??? Can do anything to your brother

Y/n : ofc I want to save him but don't worry I know he is my brother a crackhead. not my brother but ??? Will Suffer

Jk : I want to meet you brother

Jimin : yes it sounded like he is like you

V : ofc he would be he is her brother

Y/n : okay so let's start our journey to save him : I'll get my men ready

Bts : we'll get weapons ready

Y/n : I'll call my team and weapons

All : let's begin

We all walk away to our work I called jeenie

After some rings she pick up the call

Jeenie : hey Y/n

Y/n : hope you get the news

Jeenie : yes so now ?

Y/n : let's begin our plan

Jeenie : okay I'll bring everyone

Y/n : everything should be happend by plan

Jeenie : don't worry everything will be alright

Y/n : yeah bye~

Jeenie : bye

I cut the call

Y/n : guys let's go I am hungry

Jin : how can you eat while your brother is in danger

Y/n : nah I told you nothing will happend to that dump he is more smart then "???"

Rm : I am really suspicious your brother is also in mafia ??

Y/n : nope but he is my brother

I said and flip my hair : let's see how this one end

I nodded

I hope everything will get alright that bitch will not hurt anyone


Hey guys

I know this part is boring

Sorry for that

Thank you for reading my story and supporting


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