kidnapped and dad jokes

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Y/n was going on her bike for some work that's when some black cars come infront of her bike she stop her bike

Some man all in black come towards her

She try to fight back but from behind someone made her smells chloroform and she became unconscious

Man : pfff she was hard to catch

Man 2 : yes

They take her in car and drove off to their distention


BTS all members were going to their father's office for some work

They were in lamonius and one man come on bike all in black and shot their car wheel and driver stop the car

Some man come with big black lamo and some man come out

Bts also came out but before they reacted that men make them unconscious and take them with them

________________ was going home after completing his work as his sons were coming to do rest

He come out of office building and sat in black car that supposed to be his

When he entered in car he found his driver tied at passenger seat before he can process what happend one man hit him on head and he became unconscious

And his car also drove off


??? : if they wake up call me and if they escap you will be responsible for that

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??? : if they wake up call me and if they escap you will be responsible for that

Man : yes sir

??? : keep eyes on them or else you know...

Man : yes sir

??? Come out of that big hall and start walking towards exit as a creepy smrik never disappears from his face

??? : this will be fun

He said while smriking widely


Sun raised from the west colouring whole city in colourful colours everyone was still sleeping as it's really early morning only some people was walking around the streets taking fresh air

The room was silent and only bodyguard's shoes' ticking sound was heared

Only sun's sunshine was coming from the thick glass window sunshine was barely coming becuse the house was in the middle of forest

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