Chapter 4

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I stand just on the outskirts of the dance floor, swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music. I can hear Claudette's giggle at something a man is saying to her behind me, as she stands next to the bar sipping her drink. Within moments, an upbeat song pops over the speakers, causing her to jump from her spot and pull my arm to get my attention. "No more just standing here and swaying back and forth girl, it's time to turn it up." She hollers over the loud music, making sure I can hear her.

I try to shake my head at her, fighting with her by dragging my feet, but she doesn't have any of it. Nope, she's made up her mind, and when that happens its best just to go along with it. There isn't much choice for you to change her mind, or to fight and win with her. She's got one hell of a stubborn streak. Once we are in a spot near the back, where it's more secluded from all the bodies dancing away, she turns to face me.

She's moving her hips in a flirtatious manner, her eyes closed, and head held back as she lets the music take control of her body. I want to enjoy myself like her, really, I do, but my nerves are still up from what happened earlier in the night. I find myself searching the dance floor for those familiar obsidian eyes, the ones that make my palms sweaty, knees weak, and my heartbeat incredibly fast.

The feel of hands on my shoulders causes me to practically jump out of my skin, as I turn my head around, to see Claudette eying me. "Girl, come on I know you have some moves." She shakes my body a little bit, in her normal dramatic way. "So let go of your worries and dance the night away with me right now!" She stomps her little foot, making sure to drive her point home.

After pulling my head back, laughing at her actions, I decided she's right. I highly doubt I'll be seeing anyone from my past life again tonight. So, I do as she says, and sway my hips to the beat of the music playing. "That's right girl! Get it!" She screams as the two of us let loose and enjoy ourselves for the next few hours.

Men come and go, dancing around the two of us, trying to get up and close to our bodies. We simply push them away and grow closer to one another. Tonight, is girl's night, although it hasn't stopped Claudette from getting a few numbers. I shake my head at her endeavors. My best friend may be a bit of a partier, but that's what makes her so much fun to be around. I am precautious, and timid in life, whereas Claudette is a free spirited, go with the flow kind of person.

I open my eyes, to see that she's stopped dancing and is giving some new guy her number, when I feel an immense body heat come from behind me. My brows furrow in confusion, until I smell wood scent and his natural smell. I know who's standing behind me long before I feel his hands along my hips. Causing my body to freeze, my limbs to shake, and my heart to accelerate.

He moves his face along my hair, as he makes his way to my ear. I can hear him breathing in my scent. He groans out loud, causing my body to shiver in a completely unusual way. One that holds no fear, and that has everything to do with my legs rubbing together, trying to gain some much-needed friction. "You always were quite the little dancer." The sound of his husky voice has me leaning my head to the side. Giving him the skin of my neck.

I can't help myself when he's around, my body calls for him. It always has, which is a problem, as much now as it ever has been. I want to say something smart and wise, tell him off in some little way, but all I find myself doing is standing in that spot. Allowing him to touch me and wishing for him to touch me more. When Claudette turns around, she has a huge smile on her face, and she shouts me a little wink. She thinks I'm finally allowing a man to touch me, to get close to me in some way. She has no idea who this really is.

I give my head a little shake, which has Zane growling from behind me. The noise has Claudette's body freezing mid step as she was moving closer to us. Her eyes look from me, studying my posture and my facial expression, before growing wide. They shoot back to the man standing behind me. I feel his lips move along the skin of my neck. I can picture what she's seeing as she looks at him.

He's always been built bigger than most. It's how his father and mine knew he'd be an amazing warrior someday. Now though, he's no longer a boy, he has the body of a man, one full of muscle. He's got to be well over six feet, as he's much taller than my five foot and six-inch height. He has black hair, and deep brown eyes, ones that when his emotions are strong, they turn just as black as his hair. He has an olive toned skin that is a cherry on top of the "come fuck me" sundae that is Zane.

"Now she's putting two and two together." I hear him whisper into my ear before he licks the inside with his wet tongue. Causing my body to quiver with need. I can feel a sudden breath of air, as he laughs at my body's response to him. "Someone has been a naughty girl it seems to me. Telling some of the human world about who she is, and that Werewolves really do exist." He bites the tip of my ear making me cry out. The sound is a mix of pain and pleasure.

"No worries, I'll just add that onto the thorough list of your transgressions. The punishment I have in mind for you will be so much pleasure for me." His words invoke fear in my soul. There's something else there as well, I just can't put my finger on it. Dare I say I feel a little excited by the prospect of him punishing me. He didn't say exactly what he would do, but whatever he has in mind my body craves it.

The sound of a small growl has me coming out of my sexual daze. I see Claudette's hands at her sides, set into tight fists, her knuckles turning white. There is a disdained look in her eyes, and her brows are furrowed. The look on her face saying pissed off tremendously.

Before I can say anything, the girl is stomping her stilettos along the floor, heading our way. It doesn't take her long to make it to us, and once she does, she throws out her hands and tries with all her might to shove Zane away from me. Laughter off to the side, catches her attention briefly, causing her movements to stop for a brief second.

"Wow this human is feisty. She may give some Were women a run for their money. With her little temper." I can hear a smooth voice utter from beside us.

I don't recognize that voice in the slightest, but it does the trick that I need. Making me finally get out of my frozen state. I stomp my high heeled boot on Zane's foot with all the fight I have in me. It must be enough as I hear him give out a cry, and his hands move away from my hips. With that distraction, it gives me just what I need to grab Claudette's hand and move as far away as we can get.

I do my best to run through all the bodies of people on the dance floor, trying my hardest not to look back. I know his eyes are on me. I can feel the heat of his stare as I'm trying to get away. Once we make it to the door, where we entered the club from, I pull it open and zoom past the lady at the counter. All while she yells after us about our coats we still have hanging up.

I pay her no mind, as we make our way outside. The line of people has calmed down, and there is a big new guy manning the door. He doesn't say much to us as we run right by him, not that either of us are paying much attention to him anyway.

"Are we going to be able to get away before they catch us?" I can hear the worry in Claudette's tone. I don't say anything, too afraid of that answer. I just know we need to move as fast as we can to the car and pray to the God's that they don't catch us beforehand, nor follow us back home. 

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