Chapter 7

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I awoke with a start, looking around I can see I haven't been out for long. The car is completely obliterated in the front. All I can see is the huge tree trunk right in front of me, no windshield in sight anymore. I feel something dripping down my cheek, taking my fingers I wipe where I can feel the liquid falling across my skin. When I bring them away from my face, I see a bunch of blood on the tips.

That's why I am in so much pain. I hit my head, judging from the airbag that is deflated in front of me, the bump I can feel on my forehead, I can say with certainty it was a hard hit. I move my body slightly, a severe pain shooting throughout my bones. "Ouch." I let out a light holler.

My thoughts of what exactly happened plague my mind. Forgetting about me entirely, I look over to the driver's side of the car. Claudette's head is against the steering wheel, blood soaking the side of her face. I move my arm to her neck, ignoring the pain shooting through my arm. I can feel a light heartbeat, which helps me breathe a little better.

Wiping her unruly hair out of her face I inspect what I can. It looks like she has glass shards in her cheeks and arms, as well as a large one jammed into her left shoulder. Deciding I need to give her a thorough look over; I unbuckle my seatbelt. Sliding my body to the middle seat, I put the screaming of my own body to the back of my mind and focused on Claudette.

This close I can see she has lost a lot of blood, although it doesn't look like she has any serious outer injuries. I reached over her as slowly and carefully as I can to unbuckle her belt, and then I lay her body back further in the seat. I can see she has a lot of scratches and bruising around her skin. She looks a mess, I know I look like her right now, but I'll heal within the hour. She won't be able to!

With that thought in mind, I look out the back window, to see exactly how far down the mountain we drove. We look to be about halfway down the side of the mountain. I curse under my breath, knowing full well I won't be able to get out of the car and get us both to the road in time. Biting my lip, I look at my best friend, tears welling up in my eyes.

I wish I had my full strength, but because something is wrong with me, I don't have the full effects I should have been a young Werewolf. Think, think I chastise myself. My fingers rubbing my wrist catch my sight. I rub over the blue vein that works its way under my skin, pumping my blood within my body. Blood that could heal her if I am able to get her to drink from me.

The only thing that has me pausing, is it's forbidden. If you give a human your blood, they could become a werewolf if they are young and healthy enough. If I do this, I could be marked for death within my world, not just disowned or kicked out of my pack. Looking at my best friend, the one who is my family more than my own blood, there is no more hesitation.

I lift my wrist to my mouth, biting deep into my skin with my canines, I quickly bring the opened skin to Claudette's mouth. Opening it, she lets out a little groan, finally waking up some. "You must swallow this. It will help you feel better." I'm trying my best not to sound urgent, but I can smell the death on her. If she doesn't drink enough of my blood, it won't be able to help her, and she could die from her injuries.

You cannot see the major effects of the crash on her body, but I can smell how bad her internal injuries are. "Come on, drink just a little more for me Claudette." I begged her with a whisper. She grabs a hold of my wrist with her hand, wrapping her fingers around me. Holding it there. Her eyes pop open, she has tears in her eyes. I watch as they fall from her brown irises, mixing in with her blood and cuts along her face.

I look deep in her eyes as I speak, "I know this is repulsive in your eyes, but trust me my blood will help you." My voice breaks with the emotions running through my mind. "Please. I cannot lose my sister in this world. You are my soulmate, and if you die, a big part of me will right along with you." I feel tears rolling down the skin of my cheek. I hadn't even realized I was crying until now.

She looks from my eyes to my cheeks; I'm guessing seeing the tears there that are falling. I never cry, she and her Aunt Lilly always joke around with me, saying my heart is made of stone because I hold all my emotions at bay. Never showing much to the outside world. I know they don't mean it, they only play with me, but the way she looks at me here and now I can see how much she knows I need her to do this for me.

She opens her jaw wider, and I feel her pull my blood into her mouth. Drinking it more fluidly now. Making it easier for myself to breathe once more. I'm not sure how much blood she will need to help her heal and get better, since I've never done this before, and the last time it was done was well over one hundred years ago. However, once I see a spot of yellow make its way in her irises, I know she's had more than enough.

Pulling my wrist away from her mouth, she wipes the couple droplets that fell on her in true Claudette fashion. Making a small smile form on my lips. "It didn't taste bad, but just the idea of what I was drinking. Yuck!" Now I let out a full-blown laugh at her actions.

I wrap the extra sweater I brought around the cut on my wrist, waiting a few minutes for it to close, as I look behind us once more. "What happened? What did you see exactly?" I want to make sure what I thought I saw was really in front of her car before the crash. She shakes her head, disbelief in her eyes, "a huge ugly brown wolf. Not like the three we've seen earlier that was your friend from your childhood." Her words bring me a dreadful feeling in my gut.

So, it's what I thought, I know that wolf. His name in human form is Artemis, the asshole my father wanted to marry me off to. He's the son of the Alpha, to our friendly west coast pack. Father thought it would be a grand idea to marry me to him, forming an eternal bond between our packs. The sound of multiple howls catches our attention. We both swing our heads to the back windshield, trying to see out into the night, at who or should I say what is all out there now.

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