Chapter 25

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I slept so soundly last night, that in the morning I almost forget where I am. That is until, I stretch my arms out and hit Claudette right in her face. "Ouch. You know I love you, but I unlike my best friend, didn't get any mind-blowing orgasms last night. I'm kind of touchy this morning." She grumbles just below her breath.

"I'm so sorry. I was thinking we were back home, and I was in my own bed." She growls just under her breath, as I turn my face to look her way, I see her bring the covers over her head. Deciding it will be better for my safety, I scooch out from the side of the blankets, and off the bed.

Without a backward glance, I make my way to the bathroom. Turning on the light, the sudden change has my eyes closing a moment. As I cover my face with my hand, and grumble about it being a stupid light below my breath. When I remove my hand, and get a clear look in the mirror, I'm stunned at what I see.

There's a set of golden eyes looking back at me. Instantly, I move closer to the mirror to examine myself. Mouth open I take one hand, to open my eyes wide to make sure I'm seeing correctly. "Oh, my goodness. I haven't seen any sign of you in years." I say below my breath. I hear a slight giggle inside my head.

Looking around, I make sure that Claudette isn't behind me. Walking over to the door, I slide it open slightly to look out in the bedroom. I see her leg popped out from below the blanket. Telling me that it definitely wasn't her. When I close the door quietly, I walk over to the sink and lean against the counter once more.

"You're still in there?" I hear what sounds like a purr. My wolf is waking up for the first time in so many years, I'm stunned frozen a moment. Just enjoying the fact that I may not be broken after all. A small smile curves my lips, my eyes making their way up, my mouth falls open when I get a good look at my hair.

It's in disarray, falling in every direction, looking just a mess. Then, once I look further at my hair that falls to my neck, I see what looks to be a purple mark within the strands. Pulling it back, I take a closer look. "That jackass marked me last night." I say incredulously.

You bet your ass I did. The sound of Zane's voice whispering into my ear has me stumbling back. Whipping around, I'm flabbergasted. Zane is nowhere in sight. "What the..." Get in the shower little wolf. We have things to discuss this morning.

A big part of me wants to argue with him. Open this bathroom door, march out of the bedroom and right up to him. Demanding he explain what the hell he is doing and how. One more looks at me in the mirror makes my decision for me. I walk over to the shower and start the water. Turning it to the hottest setting. Once I have it where I like it, I flip the shower head on, and start undressing. When the room is covered in steam, I step in, closing the glass door behind me.

I lean beneath the water, getting my hair and body wet. I decide to stand here for a minute and enjoy this. Allowing the heat from the water to relax my muscles. Once I've had enough, I wash up and reach for my towel. Wrapping it around my body, I suddenly realize I forgot clothes.

Opening the door, I tiptoe my way to the dresser in the room. I hope he has some clothes that will fit me. As I have no clean clothes around the place. When I open the drawer, I see it's empty. Searching I find they all are. "Over there." I hear Claudette's voice and looking behind me I follow her pointed finger.

Hanging on the wall is a beautiful blue dress. It's a long dress, that looks like it will come down to my knees. It's short sleaved, and as I walk closer to it, I see there is a v-neckline. The slit goes quite low, looks like it will reach just to above my breasts. I find I'm a little hesitant to wear it.

A piece of paper sticks out from the neck, and when I reach out to open it, I see it's a little note.

I picked this out myself little wolf. I know you'll look stunning in it.

There is no name on the paper, but I don't need one to be. There's only one person that calls me by that nickname. A smile curves my lips, as I bring the dress down from the hanger, and drop my towel to the floor. I nibble on my lips, remembering I have no undergarments to wear beneath it.

"You won't need them." I turn my head to the side to see Claudette sitting up from the blankets, looking at me. "From what I have heard last night I know you won't have that on long today." She says in complete seriousness. When she stands from the bed, she walks over to me.

"Face me. I'll help you get it on over your head without getting the material too wet." I allow her to help me, and once it's on I look down at my body. The dress is tightly fitted, showing off all my curves and greatest attributes. She turns me around, to face the mirror. We both look at our reflections in the mirror.

Me standing in front of her, hair wet and wearing an incredible dress. The material against my body feels heavenly. "This cost a lot of money. I can tell." She says against the side of my head, as she lays hers against my shoulder. We have always looked like night and day, but when I really look at us, all I see is my family.

"I don't know if I can wear this out there." She laughs at me a moment, before taking my hand with hers. "Honey, you can, and you will! Once you step out of this room, he will be knocked to his knees. His tongue hanging from the side of his mouth." She winks at me making me smile.

"Come on before you change your mind." She turns our bodies around and heads for the door. I pause mid-step causing her body to jolt to a halt. Turning her head to the side, she looks at me with a confused look on her face. "What about you? You're not dressed." I wave my hand up and down her body. "You're still in..." I pause a moment and take a closer look.

A deep sniff of the air lets me know just whose shirt she's wearing. I raise a brow at her, seeing for the second time in two days my best friends' cheeks blush. "Shut it. I'll be fine, let's go." She drags me close behind her, opening the door we walk down the narrow hallway. All I can think about is how much leg my best friend is showing.

The baggy shirt she's wearing may not be sexy like the dress I currently have wrapped around my body, but it's still revealing. Once we walk into the living room, all eyes are on us. Two sets of mouths fell wide open. I'm excited to see the pure carnal need in Zane's eyes. I open my mouth to say such when I'm stunned silent.

"What no hug for me?" There stands my uncle with his arms at his side wide open. 

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