Chapter 16

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I took a relaxing, hot bath for a good hour. The tub jets were heavenly. Once I got out, I half expected for Claudette to be awake, but she wasn't. I found her still laying in the same spot. I walked over and checked her breathing, to make sure she was still alive. Once my worries were put to rest, I quickly picked up the clothes Zane left for me on the corner of the bed, taking them to the bathroom.

Quietly, I close the door, leaving just a slit open in case she wakes up and needs me. Sniffing the shirt, I hold in my hand; I get wet between my legs once more. The smell of Zane is enough to drive me wild. This is the worst my hormones have ever been in my life. I'm almost afraid I'm going to be like Claudette's kitten Zoey and begin humping everything in sight.

Shaking my head, I drop the towel to the floor, bringing the shirt over my head. Once it's on my body, I look in the mirror. Trying not to giggle as I look at my reflection. Zane's shirt is about two sizes too big; it comes all the way down to my thighs. Almost reaching my knees.

Looking through the pile of clothes he left, I see there are a clean pair of boxers, but I don't think they will fit properly. So, I decide not to wear them, just putting his grey sweats on over my lower region. I have to tie the knot extra tight, and it still feels loose. I'm only hoping the pants won't fall down my legs, as I'm walking around.

Taking one last look in the mirror, I fix my hair as best I can, with the use of my fingers. Deciding there isn't much I can do with it; I shrug my shoulders and leave the room. Claudette, has turned to her side, laying on the bed looking like an Angel with her hands below her cheek. I smile at the sight, only for the remembrance of what I had to do plague my mind a second later.

Once my smile falls, I decide to leave the bedroom, and take a closer look around their underground apartment. I quietly close the door behind me and decide to go further down the hallway. Three of the doors I find are locked, I'm guessing to be the other male wolves' rooms. The fourth one, I try as I turn back around, that is across from the room Claudette is asleep in pops open.

The smell of Zane hits me so strongly, I almost fall to my knees. A muscular hand catches my elbow, stopping me from hitting the floor hard. "That's not smart to do without Zane here by your side. With him touching you his smell won't hit you so strongly." I look over my shoulder to see the youngest of Zane's pack.

"My names Matty." My brows furrow in confusion. He laughs out loud, as he pulls me back to the living room and places me on the couch. "No, I cannot read your mind. You just had the look of I cannot remember his name written all over your face." He smiles at me. Showing off his boyish charm.

"How old are you?" Realizing that may come off as rude a second later, I slap my hand over my mouth. Giving him an apologetic look. He waves his hand in the air, "You're good. I get that a lot." He tilts his head to the side and squints his eyes at me. "How old do you think I am?" He raises an eyebrow at me, causing me to laugh.

I really like him; this boy seems like an easy-going kind of kid. "Don't call him a kid Pen, you don't even know how old he really is." I chastise myself with a roll of my eyes. "I want to say fifteen or sixteen." He goes to answer me, but I stick my hand out at him. Pausing his thoughts, "Please don't take that offensively. I get people thinking I'm around that age all the time." I give him an apologetic smile. Hoping, he won't take anything I say as a dreadful thing.

To my surprise he gives me a genuine smile, "Close. I'm seventeen, one year younger than you." My mouth falls open, I want to ask him how he knows my age, but then I remember Zane probably told them everything there is about me. So, I close it and wait to see if he wants to say anything more.

"I can see that with you as well. You have a baby face too." I nod at him, as I sit back, feeling relieved that he isn't upset with me. "I know it's odd for a male werewolf to be as scrawny as I am, but I didn't have the best upbringing." He grows quiet after that. I don't know too much about these men, but his words pull at my heart strings. I find myself standing up from the couch and walking to where he stands by the wall.

I place my hand on his shoulder, and I swear he stops breathing all together. "I don't know what you've been through, but I can tell it was bad. Whenever you're ready to talk about it, I'm here to listen." I'm not even certain he will come to me. I mean he barely knows me, but it felt like the right thing to say.

"Thanks a lot." He whispers so low, if I wasn't a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard him. I open my mouth to tell him that I mean it when I hear a light, "Pen? What's going on?" I turn around to face the voice, as I see from my periphery Matty stand up to his full height. "Claudette." I feel like crying as I say her name out loud. She's awake. Thank the God's of the world!

Without another word I run over to her and gather her into a tight embrace. "Why does my body feel like I got hit by a truck?" She squeaks out as I tighten my hold. "We pretty much were." I tell her honestly. As I move back from her so I can look in her eyes, she gives her full attention to the man standing behind us. "Who is he Pen?"

I bite my lip, my nervous habit showing itself once more. I don't know how to go about this. I haven't ever been in this situation before, and all I can think about is how she may hate me after this. "Claudette, sweetie we need to talk." Her eyes make their way to me, and I know she can see something is troubling me.

"What is it sis?" She whispers. Then it hits me, she's probably thirsty. I go to turn around to ask Matty if he can get her a drink, but his hand shoots out between us, with a glass of water held within it. "You may need this. You've been out a long time." He smiles at her, and I'm surprised to see her blush.

Quickly, she takes the drink, and turns her body away from Matty. Not looking at him. My eyebrows shoot up, close to my hair for I am flabbergasted. I haven't ever seen my best friend act this way around anyone. I look between her and Matty, who is now leaning his shoulder against the wall once more. He's studying her with blatant interest.

The sound of her finishing the water catches my attention once more. "Wow, I haven't ever had an entire glass that fast." She shrugs her shoulders and holds out the glass for Matty to take. Once he does, I decide everything we have to discuss would be better if I delivered it with us sitting.

Taking her hand, without one word, I lead her to the couch. She follows with no arguments, even lifts her legs beneath her, and twists her body to face me. Giving me her full attention. "Go ahead and tell me everything. I'm listening." Suddenly, I feel as though I have something caught in my throat. I want to say the words, but I find all I can do is look at her, with tears building in my eyes.

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