Chapter 32

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I awake the next morning, feeling whole and truly alive for the first time in my life. The memory of last night floods my mind. I burry my head in the pillow, feeling like a young giddy. It really happened, I am his and he is officially mine, forever.

A noise has my head popping up from my hiding place along the pillow. When I see who it is, my cheeks become a deep shade of red, and I want to hide below the blankets immediately. "Uh, uh missy. Don't you think you can hide from me girl." Claudette pulls the covers away.

Making me scream like a little schoolgirl, as I bring my hands to my most sacred of places. Trying to hide my naked form from her eyes. "Oh please." She rolls her eyes as she turns to face away from me. "It's not anything I haven't seen before." I can hear the sarcasm dripping from her mouth.

I stand up, looking for my clothes. Finding one of Zane's long t-shirts I slip it on over my head. Letting her know she can turn back around. When she does, I can see the mischief held in her eyes as she bites her bottom lip and walks to the bed.

Sitting down beside me, she's quiet for a moment. Then, I see her eyebrows move up and down making a giggle fall from my mouth. "I'm not going to tell you every dirty detail." Her face falls, as she looks offended. "Hey now, I tell you everything. Always have and I always will." Her tone comes off haughty.

"Well, that's your choice." I giggle as she crosses her arms over her chest. Huffing away in indignation. "Fine, I concede." She tilts her body to face me head on, crossing her legs Indian style. "Could you at least tell me how it was?" She bats her eyelashes at me.

I bite my bottom lip, knowing full well I'll tell her everything eventually. I just need to process it all myself before I can talk about it. "Wonderful. I..." Pausing I try to come up with the right words to use. Looking at her, she is watching me like a hawk. "I have never felt anything so right in my life, as I did last night."

I hold my breath waiting for her response. Afraid she's going to laugh at me for being so corny. I'm not like her, never have been. She's come from a rough upbringing similar to mine, but she was told all her life there is no such thing as love. It is all a ruse and that she should use her beauty while she has it to her advantage by her parents.

It's all she's known, and so that's what she does. Never allowing any feelings into her relationships with men. To my shock she gives me a genuine smile, tears building within her eyes. "Hey," I scoot closer to her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. "It's okay. I'm here." I whisper the words we always have to one another.

"I know." She whispers while I see her hand reach up to her face to wipe the tears away. When she leans back, she looks at me with a saddened joy, "I just hope someday I can have what you do." She pats my hand, that is on her lap. I kiss her cheek, as I turn my body more to face her head on.

"Well, I have noticed a little bit of looks between you and a certain werewolf." I do the same thing with my eyebrows she did to me earlier. She laughs, and for the first time I see her cheeks turning a deep shade of red. She tries to turn her head to hide it from me, but it's too late for that.

"You like him. Oh, my goodness." She turns to face me once more, bringing her hand over my mouth. "We are not discussing me. I want to know about what's going on with you." She clears her throat, dropping her hand from my mouth. I let it slide for now, knowing she will discuss him when she's ready.

"I feel free. Happy for the first time in my life. Like nothing can touch me or make me feel bad ever again." I smile at her, feeling tears building behind my own eyes. Thinking about what I said, my words sinking further into my mind, I know it's true. No matter what happens in the near or distant future I have Zane and his pack. I have a true powerful family that will always be here for me.

"Good. I'm glad. Now get dressed whore, the men need to see us to talk about a trip." I lean back, bringing a pillow back with me, I swing it in the air, hitting her along the side of the head. "Oh no you didn't" She moves up, grabbing another as we commence in a pillow fight. Acting like free-spirited kids for the first time in our lives.

A clearing throat gains our attention. When we look towards the now open door of the cabin, my uncle stands there, arms crossed over his chest, shaking his head. "Your aunt is on the way. We have some planning to do." With that he turns and walks out the door.

The fear and dread that I have carried with me all my life, sneaks back inside of me. I know what trip he is referring to, and I'm not certain how any of this is going to go. What if my father and his pack find out I had turned a human? He will surely see my mark along my neck, smell Zane all over my body. What will he think of it?

"Come on, you were just happy a second ago. Do not let that psychotic monster eat away your newfound happiness." Claudette glares in my direction. My shoulders fold into myself. "Get dressed and we will see what they have to say. I'm sure they all have a plan." She holds my hand tightly in hers, looking me in the eyes she smiles. "Zane and his pack will not allow anything to happen to you, and neither will I."

I can't help but give her a sad smile at her words. She has no idea who we are about to deal with. She has never met my father; been around the wild beasts he surrounds himself with. We are in for a world of turmoil soon, and all I can do is hope we come out for the better in the end of it all. 

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