Chapter 19

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I take a deep breath, shrug Ethan's hand off from my shoulder and begin pacing back and forth. Listening intently, as Paulo rambles on about how he is worried about his baby girl. How he heard she was bleeding badly, and that the car she had been in went over the side of a mountain. When he's finally done with his tirade, then I say my peace.

"You finished?" I know my voice comes out sarcastic. When it comes to Paulo North, I can't stop my attitude from coming out. "Watch your tone with me boy." The way he says boy is so degrading. I have to hold back my laughter at his threatening tone towards me.

"Perhaps, you should take it up with the West Coast pack. They are the ones that showed up, scared the hell out of the woman driving, causing her to turn off the side of the mountain." I have to keep the growl that wants to work its way up my throat at bay. I cannot afford to blow the lid from my plan when we are so close.

"Artemis was there?" He sounds shocked at the information, but growing up with him since I was born, I know when the old man is faking an emotion. He isn't shocked at all if I had to guess he sent them after my woman. I know he's trying to go back on his word. Little does he know, I no longer need his promises, nor do I need to follow what he says, but he will find that all out soon.

"Yes, he was. Him and a group of his wolves started a battle between my men and I. So why don't you take it up with him." There's silence on the other end of the phone. I hear him groan into the phone, as I hear a squeak of a chair. Something tells me he has company in his office right now.

If I had to guess that was the only way he could remain calm. I can hear a fit of girly laughter in the background, as he obviously brings the phone away from his mouth to say something to her. When he gives me his full attention once more, I roll my eyes, gaining laughter from my boys.

"As long as my daughter is okay. That's what matters." I hear him clear his throat. Listening, I can make out the distinct sound of a zipper before he takes a deep breath, "make sure you bring her here in two days. We have the west coast pack here for the fall festivities. She needs to be here for it, as do you and your friends." He practically growls out the end of that sentence.

He hates me and my friends to the core. The only reason he's playing nice right now is he thinks I'm stupid enough to bring my woman back to him. He thinks I'll bring her there, and he will have my father and the pack trap us, as he takes his daughter once more and marries her off to that asshole. That's not going to happen. In fact, I have a plan for tomorrow night. It's fast, but it needs to happen, and all I can do is hope she won't fight me on this.

Especially, once her father and the other wolves find out about what she did tonight. He will want to hurt her, if not worse for certain. I won't allow that, if anything what happened tonight has convinced me my plan for tomorrow night is a good thing. Whether she's ready for it or not. I will make sure it happens and that she becomes mine permanently. Just as it always should have been.

"Are you listening to me boy?" I shake my head as I hear him ask this. "Yes, we will be there in three days." I know he wants to argue with me, but I don't allow him to. I simply continue on speaking, "She's had quite the night, and I want her to rest the next couple of days. The fall harvest doesn't truly begin for three days. We will be sure to make it for that night." My tone is daring him to argue with me.

To my surprise, he lets this one slide. "You're right. She needs her rest. It'll be a big night for her." I can hear the smile behind his innuendo. This man still thinks I'm the little boy he used to know, but I'm a full-grown man now. I know why the west coast is really here, and I have a plan to put a stop to what he truly wants.

My own devilish smile forms along my lips. This asshole thinks he's bested me, but I have to upper hand here. I stop my pacing, walk to the couch, and sit my ass down on the leather. Stretching my legs, I rest my free hand on the back, and tell him honestly, "I'm certain it will be."

"Of course. Give her my love, I must go now." Without another word he hangs the phone up. I click mine off, throwing it along the couch cushions. I lift my body up, resting my elbows on top of my knees, I rub my face with my hands. "You think she will let this happen tomorrow night without a fight."

I wish I could tell Ethan and the others of course she won't. That she will be happy, getting what she's always wanted. The facts are it's been many years since we've seen one another. I haven't a clue how she will truly feel for what I have planned tomorrow night. As I drop my hands and look at him, with my eyebrow raised, face turned to the side. His own sly smile forms along his lips as I hear the others laughing. They all know either way I don't fucking care, it's happening whether she likes it or not. She will be mine completely by midnight tomorrow. 

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