Chapter 3

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"Claudette," I say as softly as I can. Knowing damn well he can hear everything I say. "You need to back the car up and turn it around." I can see her look at me out of my peripheral vision. "But this is the fastest way to the club. It's just a couple dogs. The people in front of us are honking their horns. I'm sure they will scare them off." I feel my head shaking at her words.

"No sweetie, those are not just dogs." She looks at me with widened eyes. "What?" She looks out the windshield then back in my direction, "What are they then?" I can tell the way her voice breaks when she speaks that she already knows the answer to her own question. I answer her anyway, "They are Werewolves from my old pack. We need to get out of here."

Without another word I see out of the corner of my eye, as she pulls her car into reverse and looks behind us. I feel us moving back at a slow pace, all the while I don't take my eyes away from Zane's wolf. Not until we are fully turned around and heading in the opposite direction.

I lean my head back against my seat, closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths. "It doesn't look like they are following. You sure they are werewolves from your old pack?" I open my eyes and give her my full attention. Before I can say a word, she continues with her babble. "It's just that I would think if they were they'd be following close behind. It looks like they are just standing there watching as we drive off."

I turn around in my seat to look in the back windshield. I can see Zane licking his chops. She isn't wrong in the slightest, they are just standing there watching us drive away, but I can see in Zane's eyes that he is up to something. I only wish I knew what. "I'm certain." I say as I watch the three wolves pull their heads back with a howl.

"Wow! They are loud. We are a mile down the road from them now, and I can hear that as though we are still only two cars away from them." I nod my head at her words. Knowing damn well what that howl means. It's the start of the hunt, it's what every Were of the pack does before they head off to search for food or looking for something. Meaning I am his prey now.

"Do we have to go to the club tonight?" She looks at me with a raised eyebrow telling me with her eyes and the look on her face just how she feels about my question. "Girl we are going. You need a night of fun, and I'm going to be sure you get it." Her tone is matter of fact, there's no arguing with her. I won't win in the slightest.

Within the next half hour, we will make it just outside of town, and the building the club is in is big. At least three stories tall, and there is already an extensive line around the block of people waiting to get in. I bit my bottom lip in worry. "It looks like we will be waiting for a long time." My worried eyes make their way to Claudette. She simply laughs out loud as she waves my worries off with her hand.

"Don't worry girlie. I have a person that can get us in. No wait necessary." She smiles her predatory smile at me. The one that tells me she has something up her sleeve, and that she will be putting on her best "innocent look" although she's about to do something completely opposite.

She parks her car a couple blocks away, once we are out of the car, we loop our arms together and walk together. I can't help looking around in the night, trying to see anything that may look suspicious. "Girl, you need to calm down. I highly doubt anyone is here to get you." I can feel her rolling her eyes at me. If she only knew how wrong her statement truly is.

Once we make it to the end of the line, she simply pulls me along past the waiting people. I can hear all the snide remarks at us, and some people laughing at our expense. Mumbling to themselves how they think it's hilarious how they think we will be able to get in without the long wait. As we make it up to the doorman, who might I add is hugely built, not to mention scary. He simply raises his eyebrow at us and glares down at us.

Within seconds a smile breaks along his lips, "Claudette sweetie good to see you." His voice is surprisingly laid back and brings a calming sensation through my body. She releases my arm from hers, as she wraps her arms around the big man's neck. "Good to see you, Ronald." She steps back and loops her arm with mine once more. "This is my best friend, Penny." The big man looks to me, and I can see it now. If you know him and he likes you this guy is nothing but a big teddy bear.

"Good to meet you honey." He holds out his hand for me to take. When I do, I feel small and surprisingly delicate in his hold. The entirety of his hand engulfs mine, making me feel like a little girl. Something I'm not used to being a Werewolf and all. He brings my hand to his lips and gives me a kiss, "You ladies have some fun tonight." He shoots me a wink, before he drops my hand and opens the door.

I can hear a bunch of hollers and complaints as we walk into the dark of the club. They quiet down once Ronald glares in their direction, causing me to giggle out loud. He nods his chin to the area behind us before he allows the door to close behind us.

"Woohoo. Told you girl no wait necessary." Claudette has a huge smile on her face as she practically skips down the long hallway, to a woman standing behind a long counter. "I can take your coats for the night." She holds out her arms, as we unloop our arms to take our garments off. Once we hand them to her, we don't think twice about the clothing that felt like an extra layer of protection for me, as Claudette pulls me from the room.

When we enter the main club, I am stunned at what I see. There is a live band, there songs filling the room with loud music, and people dancing close together. The place almost looks like an orgy. My eyes are as wide as saucers, and I can feel Claudette's body shake with her laughter. "Come on girl. You've never seen people dirty dancing with one another?" She asks once she's caught her breath from laughing so hard.

"Well, to be honest no. I never got out much." When I look at her, I can see a sadness growing in her eyes. "You're out here with me now. I will be sure to get you out of that shell of yours and get you having fun." She wraps her arm around my shoulder, holding my body close to hers, as we begin walking between the crowd.

Once we make it to the bar, she steps up on her tippy toes, waving her hands wildly in the air. Trying to get one of the three bartenders' attention. When she finally does, it's a muscley man, with deep blue eyes, and a serious look on his face. This guy doesn't look like he enjoys his job in the slightest. "What can I get you?" The cut of his tone affirms my thoughts.

"We would like two Sex on the beaches please." Claudette says as she brings her feet back down so she's her normal height. "You got your ID?" The bartender folds his arms over his chest and glares at her. That's when it hits me, we hadn't been carded before we came in here. I do what I can not to bite my bottom lip with my nervousness, which is a difficult feat for me.

Claudette simply smiles sweetly at him, "Of course we do." She takes out two IDs from her small purse she brought. She places them onto the bar top and slides them over. When he picks them up, he studies them for a moment, as he takes a close look at the two of us. After, a few minutes, although it felt like hours, he nods his head, slides them back to her and begins making our drinks.

She looks at me with a bright smile, as she places the ID's back in her purse. "Easy as can be." She shrugs her shoulders at me with a raise of an eyebrow. Causing me to laugh out loud. I look around, feeling relaxed for the first time all night. I do a sweep of the entire area, enjoying watching the people as they dance together. 

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