Chapter 33

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Daneth and Lilly are sitting at the table, catching up on everything they have missed out on in the last year they've been apart. If I didn't know any better, I would say my friend, Penny's uncle has a thing for the human. Not that I can blame him. I smell nothing but sincerity, kindness, and joy radiating from the older woman.

The smell of my woman has my heart beating faster, my nostrils flaring, and my center hungry for her all over again. Once she comes walking through the door, behind her friend Claudette, I don't wait a moment to get my hands on her. Walking to her side, I wrap my arms around her.

Now that the ceremony is complete, we are officially mated, I can feel everything she is. It's making me uncomfortable. A feeling I haven't had to deal with since I was a young pup. I don't like it. "It's going to be okay." I whisper in her ear, the feel of her nodding her head against my shoulder.

When I take a step back, I bring my hand to her cheek and rub the smooth skin with my thumb. "You know none of us will let a thing happen to you." She bites her bottom lip, as her eyes fall to her hands along my chest. Normally, I would demand she look at me, but I know she needs a few minutes to gather her thoughts. When she looks back up at me, I can see the tears she is fighting welling in her eyes.

"Does my father know about our mating?" A lone tear falls from the corner of her eye. As she closes her eyes, trying to make sure no more leak through. "Penny, look at me." I don't demand it of her this time. Instead, I keep my voice low with an understanding tone. When she does, the look of her innocent face has my breath caught in my throat.

"Goddess you are so beautiful." She smiles at my words, before her eyes grow wide. "Oh, my goodness, the Moon Goddess. What if she doesn't bless our union?" I can't help but laugh. Which of course makes her take her hands away from my chest as she glowers at me. Her arms going beneath her succulent breasts.

I lick my lips at the sight and pull her back to my body. "She already has little wolf." Her nickname comes out more of a husky tone falling from my lips. Announcing to her and the rest of the room what's on my mind. Hell, having her in every position imaginable has been on my mind since I woke up with her next to me.

"That's how he found you honey." Daneth speaks from behind me, earning her attention. For the first time she sees Lilly, and her mouth falls open with a squeal, as her hands fall from mine, and she runs toward the older woman. "Oh, my goodness, it feels like forever since I've seen you." She laughs at her words as she pulls away from the woman. "Even though it's been a mere couple days." She finishes with a laugh.

To her credit, the older woman only smiles at her, tears welling in her eyes. "I know what you mean. Of course, it's probably because my two women have been through a lot in such a short time." Lilly holds her hand out to her niece, and Claudette gladly takes it. The three women holding one another, in a circle talking away.

"As fun as this is, we have some important things we need to discuss." My voice sounds gruff. I don't mean to sound like an asshole, I just know we need to lay it all out on the table. There's even more at stake now, with Claudette a newly formed werewolf.

Well, going to be. She hasn't hit transition yet. Her first won't happen until the full moon. Looking at the calendar we hang on the wall is three days away. Going to make this even more difficult. Sighing, I bring my hands to my face, wiping them down my face.

I can feel Penny's worry growing the more she watches me. Dropping my hands, I try to give her my most reassuring smile. "First of all, as everyone now knows Claudette is a new member of our family. In more ways than one." I raise a brow to both girls. Causing them both to squirm. Causing Lilly to only hold onto them tighter.

"Yes, she is. Now you both will be a force to deal with. I feel bad for you poor souls." Lilly looks at all of us men in the room, mischief filling her eyes. "These two were a handful before, can only imagine how they will be now." She laughs, causing the girls to smile.

"Well, I'm sure she will be a great addition. That's not the problem though." I cross my arms over my chest, spreading my legs a bit. Trying to get comfortable for a long discussion. "Yes, what Zane is thinking about is our unfortunate trip back to the old pack." Daneth speaks up. Causing the three women to turn their bodies more to face him.

"Well, can't Claudette just stay here with me?" Lilly asks with a wave of her hand around our home. Before I can say a word, Daneth has his hand along her face, "I wish it were that simple Lilly, but now that she's connected with Penny, she will have to go with us. It's a wolf thing." He whispers in her ear. Lilly's shoulders fall with his words, as she nods her head.

"So, what's the problem exactly?" Claudette stares me down as she asks. This woman has guts I'll give her that. I open my mouth to speak, but Ethan steps to my side, beating me to the punch. "The problem is your first transition will happen the next full moon. If anyone is around from the old pack, Penny's fathers pack, and sees you going through it. They will know it's your first and that you used to be human."

I watch as sudden fear replaces her bravado. Penny wraps her in a tight hug, "I won't let anything happen to you. I give you, my word." She tells her best friend. As I watch them, I realize just how close these two really are. They have been each other's family since the first moment they met. Which means she's our family for the rest of our lives. I don't allow anything bad to happen to my family!

I look at all the men surrounding me. Each one looks at me with determination in their eyes. They all feel the same way. None of us will let a soul touch either of the women in this family. Not even Lilly, she may be human, but she is family all the same. "No one will touch you. They won't even get a chance to get near either of you." My outspoken words have both of them looking at me.

The smile Penny gives me has my heartbeat skyrocketing. I would kill anyone she asked if I could see that smile every day for the rest of our lives. "No, I will make good and certain no one from that pack gets a foot close to you Claudette." Ethan takes a step closer to her.

"You have my word on that." My best friend looks beyond pissed at the thought of anyone trying to touch her. I watch as she blushes at his words, before she lets her hair fall in her face. Hiding from everyone's sight in the room. I look at my best friend out of the corner of my eye. He licks his lips, looking at her like I do Penny. I have to hold back a laugh, as I can now see, he's sizing up his prey.

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