Chapter 13

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I look up at Zane through the bangs that have fallen into my eyes. He is no longer the little pup I once knew and loved, but a strong man now standing before me. I can't help but to smile, I feel in awe of how he looks at me. Like I am the only woman in this world. Where he stands, I suppose in a way I am. I'm not getting too excited of the prospect. I know he is only looking out for me and now Claudette because I was his best friend while growing up.

We never left each other behind, not in the mind set anyway. He couldn't help the actual having to leave part when I was ten years old. That's how it is for the males of the pack. Once they reach a certain age, they are to leave the comfort of the pack, and their families to be trained. They have to become the fierce warrior men that protect us once they are older.

The man standing in front of me now, I would gladly stand behind him given the chance. I would say beside him, but I don't believe any of them will want me around once I reveal to them how broken I am inside. Heck, for all I know Claudette could be a better wolf than I am once she goes through the transitioning process.

With that thought I look down at my best friend, watching her chest rise and fall. That little movement lets me know she is alive. Making my heart feel that much better about my decision. I only hope this good feeling lasts when she wakes up and hears about what her new life will be.

"You two are a part of our pack here now. You no longer answer to your father." I look up, my eyes wide with shock at what he has just proclaimed. He's looking down at me, his arms at his sides. Hands folded into fists, and he has a serious look in his eyes. I sat back, trying to create a little space between us. I know it's not directed at me in any way, but the look he is giving me has my heart racing with fear.

He must sense it because he kneels down in front of me once more. His eyes have taken on that sweet look once more. Where I am his entire focus, and everyone else has disappeared entirely. "Sorry little wolf. I'm just wound up right now. I need to go for a run badly, but we have a lot to discuss first." There's no way I can say a word back at him right now, my adrenaline is too high, my body freezing from the rain soaking my clothes, and my mind is still on repeat of playing the scenarios of this evening.

He must see everything written all over my face because he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and places his forehead along mine. "It's okay. These things can wait until morning." I'm not entirely sure why, but those words calm my racing heart. I feel more at ease. I just feel I need to gather my thoughts before we discuss anything further.

When I feel the cold of return, I know he has moved his body once more. I hear him stand and walk away taking his heat with him. I almost want to cry out, take my arms and pull him back towards my body. I need not only his heat, but I need his strength right now. I feel so weak and pitiful.

Opening my eyes, I can see he has walked to a different part of the cave. He has a door open, I can only make out part of his body, as he stands behind there. Not that I'm complaining, his ass is a beautiful view. I swear he can hear my thoughts, as he forcefully kicks the door closed, and stands there glaring at me. His pupils are dilated, and his nostrils are moving with each deep intake of breath he takes.

I squirm knowing, that not only him, but every wolf in the vicinity can smell my sudden arousal. My cheeks turn a deep shade of red, I can feel the burn of embarrassment coursing through my veins. I go to bow my head down in shame, but he's standing in front of me, holding my chin up with his hand.

He rubs his thumb along my lips, as he looks down at me as though I'm his next meal. A crude smile forms on his lips as he tilts his head to the side, studying me. "Soon little wolf." My brows furrow with confusion at his words. I haven't the slightest clue what they mean. He ignores me entirely, "here beautiful." Looking down I see a set of clean sheets and blankets in his hands.

"These will keep you both warm for the night. I'll take you to the room you'll be staying in." I take the supplies from his hands, and the next second he lifts me clear off the couch. Our bodies are so close to one another, I can feel every inch of his body along mine. Judging by what I feel, he's very well endowed.

I must bite my bottom lip, to keep me from moaning as he moves his lower body against me. "Tonight, is the only night I will allow you to sleep in a different room from me." My eyes grew wide as the meaning of his words hit me like a bulldozer. A carnal smile forms on his lips, "yes little wolf that is what I mean by soon." He practically purrs the words.

"Ethan, can you grab the girl from the couch. They both need some privacy for a bit." He doesn't wait for an answer. He simply glides me slowly down the front of his body, takes a hold of my hand and leads me down the hallway. Their den is beautiful for being underground. So full of color, extravagant floors, and the walls seem to have been painted professionally. Each one has their own design.

Once we are standing in front of a room with double doors, he opens it up and it takes a lot not to have my mouth drop open at what I see inside. A king size bed is against the far wall, with a set of leather couches in the center of the room, with a fifty-inch flat screen and Blu-ray player against the other wall. The room is huge. "Bathroom is over there, why don't you take a nice, long, hot bath. It'll be a little while until your friend wakes up."

Zane turns to face me, as I can see from my periphery as Ethan walks by us and places Claudette on the bed. I hear her give a soft moan, gaining my attention. I watch as he leaves the room, only for my chin to be grabbed once more. Zane has a serious look in his blue eyes, as he studies me.

Bringing his body close to mine he gives me a chaste kiss on my lips. Causing my mouth to fall open. He growls deep in his chest, "this is pure torture having you here and not being able to have you beneath me." I'm flabbergasted at his words. "He wants me in a sexual way?" A carnal laugh falls from his pouty lips, "you have no idea little wolf." He moves his face so close to me our noses touch. "No idea the things I plan to do with you."

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