Chapter 20

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As the door closes behind us, I can't help the worry that builds deep in my soul. I know he's about to call my father, and I'm not certain what they will discuss entirely. I only know the thought of my father being on the other line of the phone has both my blood boiling and my body quivering.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I smile at Claudette's question. Whenever I'm worrying and stuck in my own thoughts, she always asks that. Knowing it'll get me free from my thoughts that are plaguing me.

I turn towards her, with my head tilted to the side and an eyebrow raised. "Really?" She simply smiles at me and taps the mattress beside her. "Come on let's talk. I know we have a lot to discuss." With that I slowly walk over to the bed, dragging my feet, afraid of how she will feel about all this.

She stands up as I make it to the end of the bed, walking to the side, she slips off her shoes and lays on her belly. Propping her head on her hand, she gives me her full attention. "I never wanted for you to have this life, and I'm so sorry that now you don't have a choice."

I hadn't realized until she taps the bed once more, that I'm still standing with one arm at my side, the other over my belly. Leaning into myself I find I'm trying to hide from the shame. She gets tired of waiting and pulls me down to the bed, as she sits up once more. "Girl, you saved me. I'm forever grateful to you."

I know she says that, but I can't help feeling like once she realizes what it means, that she will hate me. "Look at me Pen, come on. It's me here." She places her hand below my chin and lifts my face up. When she sees my silent tears, she worries her lip as she moves her body close to mine. Holding me to her side, with an arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Not saying I won't be confused on a lot of changes about to happen to me, or that I have no idea everything this new life will entail, but I'm only thinking about how I'm still breathing because of you." I wipe away the tears that continue to fall, as I look up at her. "You gave me a second chance at life, and now maybe I can live it the way I truly want and be happy this time."

I want to be happy that she's still here with me. Knowing she has time, a lot more time to live and find happiness. "There's something about what happened tonight that I need to tell you. The truth is I don't even know what consequences will follow the both of us from this night on." I bite my bottom lip, as I look her directly in the eyes.

She has her brows furrowed with confusion, "What do you mean?" I stand up and begin pacing in front of her. "I had to make a choice Claudette. One, because you're alive, no matter what is to come I cannot feel ashamed with what I had done." She gives me a small smile, as she rubs her hands together.

"Giving a human your blood when you are a werewolf is forbidden. Depending on how old the person is and about their health," I pause a moment. Taking a deep breath and trying to gather my thoughts. "I don't know the whole process, no one does really, but for some humans there is something in their blood line that will make them turn into one of us."

She stands from the bed, reaches out for my hands, and holds them between our bodies. "I know, I can already feel the changes. I'm not going to say it's not terrifying, but I also find it exciting. I cannot wait to see what I'm capable of." Nodding my head at her, I look down at our joined hands. Hoping and praying to the Moon Goddess that this won't be the last time she speaks to me.

"Yes, but doing this, saving your life has put a target on both of our backs." Slowly, ever so slowly I bring my eyes up at her. Hers are open wide, as she looks at me, "What do you mean exactly?" I worry my lip once more, before dropping her hands, and walking to the dresser. I lean my body against it, crossing my arms over my chest as I tell her what I'm most afraid of right now.

"I mean giving a human your werewolf blood and changing them into one is forbidden in our world. Your alpha shall choose your punishment for making such a decision and decide what to do with the newly turned werewolf." She mulls this over in her head, I can see her eyes moving from side to side. When they stop and she looks up at me, there is true fear held deep within. "Meaning your father will decide for both of us."

Not being able to answer her verbally I simply nod my head. She begins pacing at the spot she once stood in, running her hands over and over into her hair. "Then, we go into hiding. We don't have another choice." Her voice comes out firm. I knew she would say that, however, the thing breaking my heart is I never wanted this kind of life for her.

"Your Aunt Lilly, and you have big plans. I never wanted your life to turn out this way. I just wanted to make sure you continued breathing. I'm so sorry." I cover my face with my hands with shame as tears begin pouring down my face. I hear her walk to me, as she wraps her arms around my body, I bring my arms around hers. We stay like that for a while, until we hear "there won't be any running or hiding." We jump away from one another and look towards the now open door. There stands Zane with all his friends right behind him, looking fierce in the dark of the night. 

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