Chapter 11

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We run in the dead of night for what feels like hours. Of course, I'm so out of it, perhaps it was only mere minutes. I hold tightly to his neck, as rain drops start to fall. Burying my face into his chest, I do what I can to keep warm. He must feel my shaking, because he stops running all together, and says something to one of his friends. Within seconds he whispers in my ear, "baby girl you need to let go of my neck for a minute."

I take my face away from him and look up into his eyes through my mess of a hair. I can see a hoodie being held out to him from somewhere beside his body. My brows furrow with confusion. "When did they get clothes?" I see a sly smile form on his lips, as his tongue darts out to lick his wet lips. "We brought some extra with us. Had Hunter hold onto them as the rest of us went into wolf form." His voice comes out seductively, flowing through my body like red velvet.

I have to swallow down the want I feel for him right now. Licking my lips, I find my eyes looking down his entire body. His very naked, muscular, wet body. "Eyes up here baby girl." His voice comes out hoarse now. When I look him dead in the eyes I see so much want and need in them, if I were standing, I would have fallen to my knees. "You're not ready for what I want to do to your sweet body right now, and if you keep looking at me like that, I will tell everyone to go on without us." He brings his face so close to mine our noses are touching.

"If I do that baby girl, I will lay you down on this ground, tear off your clothes and show you what I have wanted to do with you for years." The passion held in his tone has my eyes rolling into the back of my head, as a moan falls from my lips. He takes the moment to his advantage and brings his lips down hard onto mine. His tongue dives into my mouth, battling with mine. For a second I'm afraid he will keep his word, but a throat clearing next to him forces him to pull back.
His nostrils are flaring with each deep breath he takes. One of his hands is grabbing a handful of my ass, as the other is tangled in my hair. "Soon baby girl. Real fucking soon." With those words I'm dumbfounded. Frozen in this moment, looking at the God that has me held in his arms, staring me down like I'm his next meal.

Someone steps up behind me, I briefly hear someone telling me to raise my arms. I do as ask without breaking eye contact with Zane, the entire time his body is taut with tension, and his smirk is downright devious. Within seconds, I have the hoodie over my head, down my arms, and am bombarded with the smell of Zane.

Just as he begins running once more, the rain begins to fall harder. Before long, I'm burying my face into the apex of his shoulder and neck, trying to block out the wetness that is all around us. I must have dozed off briefly, because at some point I feel him rocking my body, trying to wake me up.

"We are here, my little wolf." He whispers against my ear. His lips are so close I can feel as they move with his words. Causing my body to shiver and goosebumps to form along my skin. "You sure it's not because you're wet?" I can hear the humor in his voice as he asks me that question. I know it has an innuendo in his meaning, but I try to keep my anger at him that he just read my private thoughts.

"You can put me down now." I grumble at him, hoping he cannot feel what his body and voice are doing to me. Ever so slowly, he slides me down his rock-hard body, and to my feet. Once I have my balance, I look around and take in the surroundings. It seems to be some sort of cave, which looks as though people have made it into a home.

There's a living area where we stand, I can see a gorgeous stone fireplace, where a young man is sitting in front of trying to get it lit. There's a small kitchen, with everything you need to survive right off the room. A hallway goes deeper into the cave, where I can see some shadows of doors. I can only assume to be bedrooms and a bathroom or two.

"Where are we?" I have to ask; this place does not look familiar. I could have sworn he was taking me to our pack's domain. When I look over at him, he simply shrugs his shoulders, "This is my packs den." He walks past me, into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I watch him, simply staring at his back, wondering what is going on. "You're not taking me to father?" My words cause his shoulders to stand straight up with tension. "Fuck no." His voice comes out in a growl, forcing me to step back with a little bit of fear.

Hearing a girl's groan, all my attention falls to Claudette, who is now laying on one of the couches they have here. Without another thought, I ran to her side, and hold her hand in mine. "Hey there. Are you feeling, okay?" I look her over and take a deep breath trying to see if I can smell anything else wrong with her.

To my delight, I don't smell anything bad, meaning she is no longer bleeding internally. My blood has helped heal her. The more I look at her, I can see her bruising and swelling going down. The cuts are closing, and all the bleeding has ceased to exist. A full-blown smile, my white teeth, and all shows on my face. I feel so relieved in this moment.

Until her next words fall from her lips. "Something hurts." That catches everyone's attention. Five sets of eyes shoot our way, all the boys in the room sniffing the air. When they realized what I had done, Zane's usual obsidian eyes turn completely black. "What have you done?" A growl builds deep in his throat as he prowls my way. I bite my lip as I look down at Claudette. A lone tear escapes my eye, as my head bows into submission. I'm elated to say that my plan worked, but I'm saddened by what I have done to my best friend. Her life will never be the same after today, and I will be marked for death.

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