YLIA x Multiverse Episode 13: Grand Admiral Thrawn

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Episode 13: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Darth Sidious was beyond furious. All that hard work. All that meticulous deception. All that time building the power to conceal his presence in the Force.

All for it to fall apart once Grand Admiral Thrawn had met the Jedi overseeing Outbound Flight.

Sidious clenched his fists. He'd never considered that there were other civilizations outside his range of detection. Not to mention that Anakin Skywalker would potentially find another ally to help him see through his lies.

And for that ally to be a battle-hardened alien who'd apparently managed to survive an assassination attempt by Jorrus C'Baoth?

Plus sided with the Jedi once Kenobi and Plo Koon had voiced their suspicions to him?

His master would be more than displeased with him if he were here to witness this failure.

Behind Sidious, the doors to the meditation chamber aboard the Trade Federation Battleship hissed open, and Count Dooku bowed before his master.

"Our harnessing of this ancient power of the Dark Side has worked, Master," Dooku reported. "The fleet has emerged from hyperspace outside an unknown system that I sense is not part of our old one."

"Very well, my apprentice," Sidious said. "Notify the Viceroy and his Council that we will stay here until our next move has been determined."

"Yes, my Master," Dooku nodded, turning to leave the room. His brown cape flapped as the door hissed shut behind him.

Lucky for the two schemers, Dooku had still been building up his Droid Army should Sidious's plan fail. Sidious returned to his plotting, reaching out in the Force to see if he could detect any life in this new universe. The results were disappointing. Aside from this dwarf planet where the Droid Army fleet was in orbit, there were several uninhabitable gas giants and a few other smaller planets further out.

Then, something stirred.

No, a LOT of things stirred. Sidious nearly jumped up from his seat. Was it what he thought it was?

Yes, it was! There was a planet within this solar system teeming with life. Lots of it. And even better, it seemed there were many life forms on this planet who possessed very strong abilities in the Force.

A cunning smile spread across Sidious's wrinkled face.

The Jedi had a nasty surprise coming for them.

A very nasty surprise indeed.


In the now very cramped living room of Kousei's new residence, the ten other Guardians of the Multiverse exchanged a serious glance as Strange Supreme finished explaining the situation.

"THAT'S whose on his way here?!"

"Yes, Kousei," Strange Supreme confirmed "And he's not going to stop until every last being on Earth is under his heel."

Kousei and Kaori looked at each other with great fright; it was only two more weeks until their school's Christmas concert!

"I thought this Watcher guy said something about swearing an oath he couldn't intervene last time we fought together?" Omni Man chimed in.

"Without getting into too much detail, after the whole debacle with Mikasa's timeline, Watcher is able to call upon us in situations such as these." Strange Supreme clarified.

"You got the wildest friends, Kousei," Hiroko chuckled as she and Takahiko poured the Guardians some tea.

"Kousei is friends with all of them?!" Koharu said, looking at every face in the room with her childish curiosity. Aang gave the enthusiastic kindergartener a kind smile. She reminded him of his daughter Kya.

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