YLIA x Multiverse Episode 24: Senior Recital

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Episode 24: Senior Recital

As Kousei straightened his jet-black silk tie, he felt a loose strand of hair torment his eyelashes, and batted it away with his left hand. He'd been in the backstage area of the Neidorff-Karpati Hall countless times, yes. But all of those previous recitals, performances, and concerts paled in comparison to what was coming up now. Rolling the lint roller over the sleeves of his Navy-blue suit for what must've been the twentieth time, he inspected his performance outfit for any other discrepancies that had been lucky enough to escape his first check.

Kousei felt his heartbeat getting faster, and took deep breaths to calm himself down. He'd known this day would come, yes. Senior year was something that came whether one wanted it to or not.

But how in the blazes had it come this fast? It was already spring semester, the last semester before they walked across the graduation stage!

"You missed a spot," a familiar voice said behind him, and Kousei felt a smile spread across his face as Kaori's hand took hold of the lint roller and began rolling it over his back.

"Thanks, Kaori," Kousei said, reaching up to his left shoulder to grab hold of Kaori's other hand. "Glad that you caught that before we walked onstage."

"Stop being such a worry-wart," Kaori comforted as Kousei pressed her left hand to his cheek. "Soon this recital will be over and we'll have fulfilled our last big graduation requirement."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," Kousei sighed. "I guess part of me can't help but be nervous when it's time for a performance."

"It's like I told you before," Kaori reminded him, laying the lint roller down on the black table and hugging him from behind. "Going out onstage to play scares all of us. It's only natural. But when it's all over, and your music has left it's mark on the audience, it is always worth it."

Kousei had no argument as he listened to the much-needed encouragement from his girlfriend. Not that he would've won had he tried to argue...the girlfriend was always right after all.

"I'm surprised you didn't have a Peanuts quote to use," Kousei teased, kissing the back of Kaori's hand.

"Thanks for the reminder!" Kaori smiled in the mirror. "Life is better with music!"

"And even better with you," Kousei replied, not one to miss out on an opportunity to compliment his beloved violinist.

"Aw, aren't you a sweet one," Kaori teased.

Just then, the couple heard a knock on the wall behind them, and turned to see Derek's face poking out from around the corner where the stage began. As their Stage Manager, he'd been invaluable in helping get the stage set for their performance. More importantly, his organization and punctuality had been keeping them on the alert as their performance time drew closer.

"Y'all got ten minutes," he whispered. "House is getting pretty full out there. Let's give these people the show of their lives."

"Sure thing, Derek," Kousei nodded back to him. "Thanks for the heads-up."

As Kousei's roommate resumed his vigilant double-checking of any last-second details, Kousei turned around and gazed into Kaori's dark, pale-indigo eyes, allowing himself to get lost in a blissful moment of eye contact with the woman he loved. Even if just for a few moments, Kousei wanted to cherish these moments they had together. Kaori was no perfect angel by any means. They'd had plenty of arguments, disagreements, and conflicts to overcome ever since their reunion on that fateful spring day in the eighth-grade year.

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