YLIA x Multiverse Episode 26: Father of The Bride

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Episode 26: Father Of The Bride

How many times had Kousei done this routine now?

Straightening his tie, rolling the lint roller down the sleeves of his suit jacket, running the blue pick comb through his gelled hair

He looked in the bathroom mirror again, for what must've been the fiftieth time.

This was the big day. He had to look perfect!

"Feeling nervous?" a familiar voice spoke behind him, along with the orange crackling sound of a sling-ring portal.

"Gah!" Kousei exclaimed, almost jumping out of his skin. "Strange Supreme! My apologies. You startled me!"

"No harm no foul, Arima," the kind sorcerer said. "Guess I probably should've just knocked."

Kousei's face went pale as he glimpsed The Watcher's imposing form looming behind Strange Supreme.

"Don't tell me...now of all times?"

The Watcher was perplexed for a moment, then laughed aloud. "Oh goodness no Arima, we're not going on a mission! We're only doing a routine check-in with all of the Guardians. You're our second-to-last stop is all."

"I trust all has been in good order here?" Strange inquired.

"Pretty much," Kousei replied, relaxing his shoulders. "Just hoping this wedding goes off without a hitch."

"Arima," Strange said, putting a hand on Kousei's shoulder. "Relax! You're about to get married to the woman you love. You are happy about that, aren't you?"

Kousei chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I just can't help but be nervous and happy at the same time."

"It's only natural, Arima," the Watcher comforted him. "Though from now on, you may want to refrain from your usual quips about Kaori's consumption of canelés increasing her weight."

"I couldn't even get away with those just as her boyfriend," Kousei replied, and the trio of Guardians shared a hearty laugh.

"Well, I believe we must be going now," Strange nodded as the Watcher reopened the portal behind them. "Congratulations to you and your soon-to-be bride, Kousei. Until we meet again."

"Sure thing, Strange," Kousei bowed as the two of them returned to their Observatory.

There was silence for a few moments as Kousei once again checked over his uniform. A black suit and dark blue tie, with a white shirt and even a black leather belt to compliment the black slacks and shoes. Such a cliché formalwear, yet also so elegant and civilized.

"I wonder what kind of dress Kaori picked out," Kousei thought as his mind began to wander back to memories of their time studying abroad.

A knock sounded at the door. "Kousei? Are you almost done? It's almost time for the First Look!"

"I'm coming dad!" Kousei called back. "Be right there!"

Five minutes later, Kousei stood in the backyard of Nerima Lutheran Church, the gentle summer breeze blowing through his hair. The sunshine danced over the freshly cut green grass, and the few oak trees on the other side of the spruce fence stood tall and proud like soldiers on guard. The sky was clear save for a few small clouds, and Kousei even glimpsed a small plane flying away in the distance.

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