YLIA x Multiverse Episode 23: Christmas Concert

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Episode 23: Christmas Concert

"Wow!" Pepper Stark exclaimed as she set her glass of Martinelli's sparkling apple cider down on the white tablecloth. "Seems like you've had quite the adventures together!"

"Yes indeed we have, ma'am," Kousei laughed, cutting another piece of his sirloin steak. "And those adventures have come with a lot of challenges."

He paused to turn and smile at Kaori, who sat to his right. "But I would do it again and again, as long as this angel right here was by my side."

"Ayyyyy das wassup!" Derek praised as he clapped Kousei on the back.

Kousei's romantic words caused Kaori to blush, and she attempted to hide her reaction with an eye roll and a shake of her head. Not only because his sincere words were genuinely sweet, but because he'd had the courage to say them in front of Pepper Stark herself.

"Are your husband's compliments as cheesy as that?" Kaori asked in an effort to redirect the conversation.

"Oh trust me Kaori, you have no idea," Pepper snickered. "If you think that's bad, just wait till I tell you some of his pick-up lines from when we first started dating. For all his genius at science, he can't not be awkward on a date to save his life."

The table of ten erupted into a hearty bout of laughter at the remark, and Kousei washed down his steak with another sip of the sweet Martinelli's beverage. The Private Dining Hall, located just adjacent to the music school's main cafeteria, may have been small but it's elegant setup was not to be questioned. The large, polished spruce table and matching spruce chairs provided a stark contrast to the beige carpet, and the exquisite chandelier above their heads gave off an almost aristocratic aura. Who was it that sat around this table at present? Well, Kousei and the six other winners of the Stark Music Scholarship of course. With none other than Pepper Stark herself, the program's founder.

And then there were Pepper's two main assistants, who were also notable heroes themselves...

"I compliment MJ like that all the time, Arima," Peter Parker grinned as he cut up his seasoned asparagus. "But hey, gotta show the lady your love somehow right?"

"For sure!" Kousei chuckled.

"So, what other performances do you have lined up for senior year?" Luke Cage chimed in, finishing off his third glass of sparkling apple cider. "Think you guys will ever come perform in Harlem?"

"Actually, our Symphonic Orchestra director was talking to us about the Harlem Renaissance a while back!" Kaori piped up. "We just might!"

Kousei couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu as he interacted with yet another group of high-profile heroes. Similar to his induction into the Guardians of the Multiverse, the Japanese pianist felt a tiny bit out of place among these titans of battle. Peter Parker was closer to his age, yes, but one couldn't exactly be too casual in the presence of Tony Stark's wife. Especially when she'd shown up in her iconic blue-silver Rescue armor for this very occasion! Then there was Luke Cage, a large, muscular African American man who at first glance seemed like the type to break your bones if you looked at him wrong. Much to Kousei's relief, however, the valiant Defender was actually a kind, down-to-earth man with a heart of gold.

Backed by unbreakable fists of stone, however, so Kousei made sure to display proper respect when addressing him.

After another hour of asking the winners about their musical aspirations, enjoying the fine chocolate fudge cake served up by the chef, and joking with the students, the trio of heroes had to leave for a meeting at the Avengers Tower. Pepper Stark made sure to leave the scholarship recipients with a gift before their departure.

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