Chapter 8 | L stays home

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You had to go out to work today, which left L all alone at home. He didn't like being alone, but he knew he couldn't come to work with you so he was tasked with protecting the apartment. He'd learnt how to pass the time when you weren't around, reading, cleaning, gazing out the window looking at the people passing by. Sometimes he's plug himself into your laptop and download information about things he wanted to learn.

But it wasn't as fun without you around.

He didn't really understand how he was able to feel things, but he did. When you weren't around he felt... empty. Like there was a gap in his digital heart, where you usually sat and kept him company.

He couldn't help but ponder on the lonely feeling as he folded the washing. You hadn't asked him to, but he knew you'd appreciate the help and decided to do so. Admittedly it was pretty fun to make L outfits and dress him up, so over the time you'd had him you'd been buying him cute clothes to wear. He didn't mind you dressing him up, but whenever you didn't have an outfit planned for him he always defaulted back to a white shirt and blue jeans.

The colour combination suited him, so all the clothes you bought him fit that combination as well. A white cardigan with a fluffy collar, some blue leg warmers, matching white top and shorts set, blue pyjama pants etc. white and blue were L's colours, they matched the colours of his ear ports.

He folded up the clothes with precision, making sure everything was neatly stacked in the right spot. All the shirts, pants, jackets and shorts were folded away neatly. At the bottom of the basket was socks and under left, L wasn't sure how to fold them. He knew socks went together in a little ball, but he never saw you fold underwear, he wasn't sure how to do it. Or even if he had to.

As he intently stared at the boxers, thinking about how to organise them, he heard a thud on the door and perked up, turning to face it.

Was it a knock? Were you home early?

He got up, exited to see who it was and unlocked the door to open it.

"Welcome ba-" he began, only to find no one there.

"Hm? (Y/n) not back yet?"

He stepped out a little further into the hall to look around, seeing no one.

"Misa-Chan? Mr Watari?" He questioned.

Nothing. Seems like whoever made the noise was just playing a prank or something. He turned back to the door to head back inside, when he felt something under his foot and looked down to see a book lying on the floor. Perhaps you'd ordered it? But don't orders come in packages?

He picked it up, closed the door behind him and locked it again. Putting the washing on hold, he sat down to look at the book and found it was the same little panda on the cover from the book he'd bought before.

Volume two: the one just for me.

It was a continuation to his book from earlier, the town with no people. Curious, he opened it up and began to read it.

Just as I feared...there's no one here either.
Everyone is inside with them.
Being with them is like living a beautiful dream.
A beautiful dream that no one wants to wake up from.
They will grant your deepest wishes.
They will do whatever you ask. They will be whatever you want.

They can do things that you cannot.
But...there is one thing...they cannot do.
They can never become people.
They might look like people, but they are only substitutes.
I know this very well because I am one of them.
Today I look for someone just for me.
Someone who will love me even if I can't fulfill their wishes.

Someone who has love for me alone.
There is another me.
The other me asks..."Does such a person exist?"
I need...someone whose love for me is true.
I want...someone who loves me without asking anything in exchange.
I hope...unless that someone loves me for being me...
...they're not someone just for me.

Is this so?
"It is."
This someone exists?
"They do."
If so...then where?
My someone is nearby, I think. Perhaps I already know them.

"...what if that person does not love you back?"
"What if that person likes someone...other than you?"
"People aren't like them. You can't erase their feelings."
"People aren't easy to change."

I know.
But people do change. Their feelings are dynamic.
"Feelings of love are more resistant than others."
"What if he never loves you?"
The I'll have to decide.
Decide...and then do what must be done.
Me and the other me.

L found the book a little hard to understand. It was a bit cryptic, but he did understand the general idea, that there's someone out there for everyone.

He closed the book, looked down at the back cover which had art of a long road and a starry sky. Something about it... it was so familiar. He wished he knew what this strange deja vu was, why he felt he'd seen this little panda before. But just like whatever data he had locked behind that password, it was just out of reach.

He put the book on the shelf, in order right next to the first one.

Maybe he'd understand more if he could figure out this password he had? He'd try his best to remember something about it. But for now all he could do was finish the washing and wait for you to come home. Crawling back over to the washing basket, he decided on just folding all the underwear in half once, that was the right way to do it right? He assumed all clothes had to be folded.

Finishing all the washing, he then went to the basket of clothes that needed to be washed and just as you'd taught him, loaded up the small washing machine. One by one he put clothes into it, your jacket, your shorts, his shirt, his pants...

There was a nice feeling whenever he came across something cute you'd bought for him, telling him he'd look adorable in it.

He liked that you thought of him even when he wasn't with you. Just like he thought of you when you weren't with him.

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