Chapter 16 | L confesses

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"I'm back!"

As per usual, you felt exited arms wrap around you as you entered your apartment. L's tight grip reminding you how much he missed you.

"Welcome back!" He smiled.

"You were a good boy while I was out right?" You asked.

"Uh-huh! The goodest. Misa-chan also bought some cupcakes over!"

That peaked your interest, and you followed your gaze to where L was pointing to find a container of bat cupcakes on the counter. Just like Misa to put bats on them...

"Ooh they look yummy, I'll have to try one for desert" you said, counting 10 cupcakes in the container.

That was your dessert sorted for the new few days. Thanks Misa.

You put your bag down and headed to the cupboard to get some clothes to change into so you could wash your work uniform. L followed you like your shadow, he always did. Although you could tell something was up, he was quieter than usual. Usually he'd start asking a million questions about how your day at work was.

"What's up L? Usually you're talking non stop" you asked, reaching into the cupboard for some clothes.

"Can persacoms dream?" He asked.

You paused, thinking about it. A dream was basically just images and noises in your your head while you slept. So technically it was possible for a persacom to dream, although it seemed like a rare thing.

"I suppose they could, why? Did you have a dream?" You asked.

L nodded, although he seemed a little unsure if it could be called a dream given what had happened.

"What was it about?" You asked.

"Well... I was in uh... the night sky. There was a city in the distance and I was on a pathway. Then another persacom that looked like me, but wasn't me came up to me and told me to 'not mess up'... whatever that means" L explained.

You turned your attention to him, leaning on the wall now intrigued. That sounded awfully familiar to the fact you'd found a picture of a persacom that looked just like him...

"What did they look like that made them different?" You asked.

"They had reddish eyes... red ear ports where mine are blue. They stood up a bit straighter than me too. And they wore all back like Misa-Chan. They told me all kinds of things I don't really understand" L said.

"Did they look like the one in the picture?"

L nodded, although he did note a few differences.

"Yes, expect for the clothes and red on the ear ports" he said.

That didn't seem like too much of a difference, persacoms have different clothes to wear after all. And the one in the picture was clearly still being developed when it was taken. The red on the ears could have been painted on after it was taken.

"Do you have any data on that persacom?" You asked.

L shook his head no, Damnit. It could have helped if he did.

"They did say that they know me... but I don't remember them. And... they called me Lawliet"

"Lawliet... that's a pretty name. And it's starts with L..." you mumbled.

Was Lawliet his original name before he was tossed? And him saying nothing but L was him trying to say it but with his reset system he couldn't?

A persacom that looks just like him, but not him.
A persacom that was the one in the picture.
One that called him Lawliet and not L.
One that said they knew him...

Could it be something behind that password of his was trying to get out? Something from before you found him?

"That's interesting... tell me if you have any more dreams ok?" You said.


You turned to head into the other room to change quickly, and in your absence L had a moment to think about what Misa told him. To tell you that he loved you. And that you'd be happy to hear it, would you really? L's AI was telling him that he should be nervous about it, but he knew he should do it. Not only did Misa tell him, but the persacom in his dream did too.

When you returned, you put your uniform in the washing basket and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. L sat at the kotatsu, thinking. You sat opposite him with your glass of iced tea and gave him an inquisitive look.

"Still thinking?" You asked.

L nodded, you knew something else was on his mind when he was this deep in thought and the soft whirling from his computer could be heard as he processed.

"(Y/n)" he spoke up.

"Hm?" You muttered, taking a sip from your drink.

"I love you"

You gave him a smile, putting your drink aside.

"Aw, I love you too" you cooed.

"Like... proper love. Not like a parent or like a friend, or like a puppy that loves their owner. I love you the same way people who get married do. I didn't know what love was when you switched me on the first time, but you've taught me so much about how to be a human, I know what love is now. And I know that... I love you. In my book, the panda is looking for the person just for them. I'm the panda and you're the person just for me"

You were left speechless for a moment, stunned. By now you knew full well how complex and powerful L was, but hearing him explain love and how he felt it was like being struck by lighting. A massive shock, and all you could feel was stunned amazement.

He loved you, you were the person just for him.

Did you love him? He was a persacom but... he was so human. He wasn't like any other persacom. He was more than a computer inside a human like body, he was a soul in a computer in a human like body.

He he's human emotions even if he feels them a bit differently to humans. He looked completely human. He talked human, he walked human. Everything expect for what he was made of was human. No flesh and blood, rather chords and code. But he was still human, to you he was.

"Wow..." you muttered, still awe stricken to hear him express such complex emotions so well.

"I know I'm a persacom, and you're a human... but I'm a special persacom right? I was built to be your helper and friend. And... maybe I was built to love you too" he said.

"L... you're absolutely the most impressive persacom there is, and to me you're human. Everything about you expect for the material you're made of is human. And even that feels human! I'm so lucky I found out, even if we still don't have all the answers about you, I still love you. Even if we never find out the answers, that's ok because I'd love you regardless. I know it'd be seen as weird by everyone else to love a persacom, but you're not like any other persacoms. Plus, the owner of the bakery on the shopping strip even married his persacom! It's totally possible for humans to love them even if it's a new concept to most people. But... the fact you can feel that to, it astounds me" you rambled.

L gave you that sweet smile he always did, and his baggy eyes lit up. Crawling over the kotatsu and almost knocking your drink off, he climbed into your arms. You happily pulled him into that hug, more proud and amazed by him than ever.

"You're incredible L, never forget that" you said, running your hand though his realistically fluffy hair.

"Can L give you kiss?" He asked.

Persacom or not, he never failed to warm your heart.

"Yeah, you can have a kiss" you replied with a smile.

He'd seen it before, but never done it. So as you'd been doing before with all his other skills, it was time to teach him. His lips were soft, like his skin on the rest of his body. He was warm to the touch, like a real person. And when he figured out how to kiss properly, he put his hands on your cheeks to pull you in deeper.

You never thought a kiss with a persacom could be so sweet, but L's soft kiss was the sweetest of them all.

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