Chapter 35 | L's future

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A/n: wow, last chapter already! This book much shorter than my usual fics since it follows chobits which only has just over 20 episodes. It was a fun little fluffy AU to write, and the next book is already in the works so keep up with my acc for the next one. L makes a very cute persacom, it was a cute little story to do.

You hadn't seen L so happy since he figured out he loved you. On the screen of his laptop was a news article, the title in big bold letters reading 'persacom solves crime'.

That persacom of course was him.

Upon the arrest of Light and Mikami, Matsuda could see just how much potential L had to be a real detective and consulted with the taskforce to see how the public would react to a persacom solving a crime. So they ran the news of the arrest including the involvement of L in the case. You'd made sure his face wasn't shown for privacy concerns, not wanting anyone to try and steal L from you or anything. But L's name was now officially out there as a detective, and the world seemed intrigued and captivated by it.

"(Y/n) read this one!" L said, pointing out the comments on the article.

You looked at the one he was pointing too and gave it a read.

It's crazy how good AI Is getting, I just hope the robots don't turn evil or something LOL. L seems like the coolest persacom ever, I'd love to see what else he can solve.

"I knew people would be intrigued by you" you replied.

"This one is nice, it says: a persacom detective could be the next step in law enforcement. They have programs that can identify patterns and anomalies quicker than any human could. Definitely going to keep tabs on L's next cases" L read out.

"You've get fans already! I'm so proud of you sweetheart"

He gave you a bright smile and wrapped his arms around you for a thank you hug. Gladly returning the affection, you kissed his forehead and gave him a tight, affectionate squeeze. A knock on the door made you both turn to face it, the hug breaking.

"I'll get it!" L said, still acting on all the manners you'd taught him when you first found him.

He got up and went to answer the door, finding Watari behind it.

"Dad!" He smiled.

"Good morning mr detective, you're all over the news I see" Watari replied.

"Uh-huh, I'm a real detective now!"

Watari ruffled his hair, proud of his creation for coming so far in his digital life. You got up and walked over to join the conversation, L immediately grabbing your arm and holding onto it as he usually did.

"Good morning, what's up?" You asked.

"The maintenance being done today is extended by and hour, so it'll end at 2pm now. Sorry if that's an inconvenience but given the fact we were broken into I think more security is the best idea" Watari explained.

"Oh it's fine, we're going to visit Near today anyway. Thanks for the update"

Watari being quite busy with the building maintenance couldn't stay for long, but he made sure to give L another congratulations about his solved case before leaving. The relationship L and Watari had now was kind of like a father and adult son that had moved out of the house. They still loved each other like family of course, but had separate lives.

"Speaking of Near, get your shoes on L we better get going" you said.

L was quick to slip his shoes on and turn his laptop off, and the two of you were soon out the door and down the stairs to go out for the day. But you made a pit stop when you ran into Misa out the front getting her mail.

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