Chapter 22 | L's visit

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It was pretty exiting to see him up and running after so long. For many months as Near had been helping you out with L and the mystery, you'd seen the previously malfunctioned persacom A, hung up with his inner computer open and all his wired exposed as Near was fixing him. But now, he was all fixed and up and running.

It was quite the surprise when you knocked on the door and an unfamiliar persacom opened it, but a pleasant one nonetheless.

And it turns out Near had put a few of Matt and Mellos memories into A's data so he knew who you were and what was going on with L when you first met properly.

"Woah! It's so cool to see you working again. Near did a great job" you complimented, A allowing you to look at all his details.

"I had a few upgrades as well, I feel a lot better now my faulty wiring is fixed" A replied.

A had a very soft voice. Androgynous, calm and collected. He looked so much more alive now he was fixed, his hair had been restyled, his eyes now open and able to scan things, and dressed in regular clothing now rather than the scrubs he wore while he was being fixed.

"I bet everything feels smoother, now your systems run faster" you said.

"Much smoother, it feels good to be alive again" A replied.

A turned his attention to L, who stood loyally by your side and scanned A up and down to document the now fixed and working persacom into his data.

"And it's nice to finally meet the mysterious chobit! I must say I was rather surprised when the others told me a real chobit had been found" he said.

The two persacoms looked each other over for a moment to out each other into their data. Like when two cats meet and they touch noses sniffing each other, they scanned each others appearances and personalities.

"Last time L saw you, all your wires were out! That's like having all your guts out for a persacom. No more ouch?" L asked.

A giggled, finding L's way of wording things amusing.

"No more ouch. I'm all fixed" he replied.

All introduced and caught up, A lead you down the halls into the office where Near usually was. And as usual he was at his desk working on his latest tech project. He seemed to have a never ending list of tech projects.

"Ah (y/n), L, you're here" he said, looking up from the circuits he was working on.

"Nice to see A working again" you commented.

"It's great to gave him working again. I missed him, I'd hate for my first ever persacom to be permanently broken"

A smiled, glad to he back and feeling rather loved and wanted.

"I called you here because I have an idea. It might be a little far fetched but... it could work" Near said.

Your interest was peaked, you were so close to finding out all the secrets and mysteries behind L. You were willing to try anything.

"I used the data we got from when L surged Matt, and after some calculations I think I know how to crack that password"

"Really? How?" You asked.

"One persacom isn't enough to crack it... but four might be. If we connect Matt, Mello, Linda and A to him, it might just be enough power to handle his super computer and crack the password" Near explained.

L looked a little worried, as much as he wanted to know what was behind his password he did remember the times he'd accidentally hurt other persacoms that tried to crack him open.

"But what if L surges all four of them?" L asked.

"There's a small chance that will happen, I won't lie. But four persacoms with the systems mine run on should be enough to equal up to one super computer like you have. Plus, all my persacoms have programs that will stop damage from a surge before it happens, so you won't hurt them" Near asked.

At the end of the day it was L's choice, he was the one that was going to have four persacoms attached to him and scamming his computer brain after all. He seemed hesitant, but his inner detective wanted to know the answers.

"Ok... as long as I don't hurt anyone" L agreed.

"It'll be alright, we have all the precautions needed" Near assured.

You watched in anticipation as Near called all his persacom into the room, had them all sit beside L and connected their chords into his ear ports. They all seemed keen to help, wanting to know the answers as well.

"The best way to do it without frying any one's circuits is to run the program slowly. It might take a while to crack the password, but it'll work best that way. So Matt, you start first and one by one everyone else join in" Near instructed.

"Easy, we'll be sure to get this done" Matt replied.

"Everyone ready?"

They all nodded, and L agreed as well after a moment of nerves.

"Alright, commence the scan" Near announced.

One by one, each persacom went into scan mode. First Matt, then Mello, then Linda, then A. The room was silent aside from the sounds of electrical whirling from the persacoms as they all sat silently staring into the void with their systems running through each other. You hoped it worked, and you hoped this would be enough to crack L's computer.

If it wasn't, you wouldn't know what to do. If four whole persacoms can't crack one chobit, then chobits must be some kind of alien technology or something.

"This might take a while, is there anything else you've found out since last time?" Near asked.

"Nothing super ground breaking. We know that our landlord who own the apartments might know something about chobits. Like maybe he worked at the company or something... but we haven't had the chance to ask him yet" you explained.

"That's interesting... when I finally managed to track the IP address of the user who posted the pictures of B, it was in the prefecture. So... maybe he was the one that posted them if the IP was so nearby"

Now that was interesting. The more you looked into it, the more it seemed like Mr Watari knew something. You'd need to talk to him as soon as you could, and hopefully if L's password could be cracked, there'd be more information hiding behind it.

What did Watari know? Because he clearly knew something. Maybe that's why he was so keen to help out with L, watching him when you were gone, giving him those extra clothes, helping charge him...

Was it because he knew something about chobits that you didn't?

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